
Not to mention, apparently Gia Gunn said some stupid thing about masks and COVID being a overblown by the government. And, there’s also speculation that Ru’s husband’s ranch land may be used for fracking in some capacity.
I don’t really watch Drag Race because it’s past its sell-by date and isn’t quite with the times

It seems a significant share of secondary or middle school students in the U.S. are made to slog through a book called Rifles for Watie, which attempts a “both sides now” look at The Civil War.

Most college students don’t learn this curriculum while at university, either. You either need to have it included in a required core curriculum course (which not many schools require), or actually be the sort of history student who seeks out courses built around a non-traditional perspective.

Understood. Maybe try to channel your appreciation for The IT Crowd into non-Linehan works of Chris Morris, Richard Ayoade, Katherine Parkinson, and Matt Berry as a starting point. IMHO, they were the best components of the show. [Oh, and Noel Fielding.]

all I see is no lips and dad jeans

He’s got good sense, that kid.

Well, it’s a pity this wasn’t included in the post. It really doesn’t matter whether they chose the optimal name when they make a statement like this. That’s the news here.

Definitely. I think there’s power in the simplicity and faux retro-ness of their new name. It’s almost as though they’re defiantly reclaiming the term “chick” from its misogynist connotations.

At this stage of their careers, I’m sure they’d eschew a name associated with a ritual precursor to marriage. They’re too badass for that. 

When the trailer debuted, I found myself wistful that I may not be able to see it at the cinemas. It would be so fun to be in a room with other fans of the first two films, playing air guitar.

Yvette Clark has been my representative since 2013 and I have in the past been fine with voting for her in general elections. Prior to that, I lived in the neighboring district, where Velmanette Montgomery was and continues to be the rep in the NY State Senate. Same on being fine with voting for her in past general

Seriously. And it was de rigueur, then annoying in New York and London far before it made its way to Malibu.

Oh, those daffy K-pop stans!

Ugh. People committed to diversity need to include a lesson on intent vs. impact in their training. Stop hiding behind what they meant or “what’s in their heart” and take responsibility for the hurt or harm they caused.

It’s also a strange juxtaposition to the reality that when women cry in the workplace, it’s often used against them by men in leadership. 

So long as you’re still in the habit of referring to the spokesperson/spokescharacter as a “mascot”, then that’s a good indication the rebranding hasn’t done enough. A “mascot” is a cartoon character that sells you breakfast cereal. So if they’re going to rebrand it with a Black image, that new representative needs to

Bedlam Tuna Yell also has a certain intrigue.

All this mention of South African street food makes me hungry for bunny chow.

It was also the topic of the YA series Noughts and Crosses, the first book of which was adapted into a BBC series earlier this year.