
I vote in Brooklyn, but I just donated to Mr. Bowman’s campaign. We need more elected officials like him actually representing their communities in NYC—not people Chuck Schumer and the machine decide to elevate into office. Plus, I want that 27% undecided to break in Bowman’s favor.

I generally agree with that, but I think John Lewis is a notable exception. Otherwise, I support term limits beyond 20 years.

Oh, totally. I quickly learned that and made the switch once I started buying my own groceries.

I know, but in the glass bottle form she took during my childhood, you know she’d never pass as white. I saw that at some point it switched to a clear plastic bottle, yet that’s still discomfiting. I say just scrap the whole thing and start fresh.

They could just export the brand to Britain and completely replace the spokescharacter with one of the many posh, white women from Britain also named Jemima: Jemima Goldsmith/Khan, Jemima Kirke, Jemima Blackburn, Jemima Yorke, etc.
But who would buy those pancakes?

Mrs. Butterworth, too.

A friend of mine would always reply with “ain’t yo daddy, neither.”

I hope Mary Trump includes one family tidbit so devastating to 45 that, when the press seize upon it as a juicy moment [because, let’s face it, he isn’t actually going to read the book], it wounds him deeply. Like that his dad or brother were deeply ashamed of him, or that they considered him the Eric of the family.

Don’t worry, Gorsuch will quickly disappoint you as soon as a case comes to his attention that requires he defend the rights of corporations.

That sounds like an interesting book. About a decade ago, I saw a play centred on Harry Hay and the Mattachine Society. One interesting bit is how the more militant contingent, as you say, was in disagreement with the more conservative contingent—and that, contrary to what one might think with contemporary eyes, the

Thank you so much for reminding us of this important connection, both here and on The Root.

As in “if Ginsburg writes it, she may write in too much that may give leeway for future courts to interpret this more widely than we intend today”, or just “let’s not give RBG the glory or authoring this landmark decision”?

I wouldn’t be surprised if one of the sources is

GTFO with you Boxcar Children. It’s the Bobbsey Twins or go home.

I missed the train on Harry Potter and Twilight, because I considered myself too old for children’s literature or YA and was already reading the canon and ‘grown up’ literature by then. But I did make an exception for a series called Noughts and Crosses. It was adapted for screen by the BBC earlier this year and I’m

Here are two good reads summarizing how we, most unfortunately, got here.

“...she shut down the baby carriage aisle”

At least one area has shut off water to all non-permanent homes.