
Oof. Sorry to your extended family!

Gross. But also, do go on...

I mean, anything describing Javanka is also an insult to mammals.

Also, WHY, Stanley Tucci?

Surely they know we’re clever enough to recognize PR guff these days?

David went to the protest alone and told me he wanted to learn more about Black history. His willingness to educate himself impressed me; hearing him talk about wanting to check his privilege was something I had rarely heard from other white men I’d dated.

Good riddance. But Alex Covington is correct in that Gelman’s resignation is not enough. The whole company needs to cut its losses and go away or donate their space and remaining capital to already-existing organizations that advance professional opportunities for women, and specifically women of color.

(I wish I could find Spike’s interview at the after party.)

Not to mention Commissioner Soboroff, who only seemed to be stirred when someone used a swear word and then he threw tantrums and disappeared from his seat multiple times, causing the Zoom background to reveal what looked like an unmade bed behind his chair.
Or Commissioner Goldsmith, whose eyes were basically

Jesus fookin’ Christ. I doubt this “communications strategist” (who should be fired or lose all his clients, btw) has ever been a member of the Academy. But if he had been in 1989, he surely would have voted for Driving Miss Daisy and not even nominated Do The Right Thing.

Exactly. Also, this crap about Academy Awards presumes there’s some depraved studio that would give it a theatrical or streaming release.
...although, given how out of touch Hollywood can be, perhaps that isn’t so far fetched after all.

Yes, detached empathy. And support for the notion that this [or any other countless videos we see on the weekly] isn’t real to them. It’s fully indicative of the cynical yet true belief that several of those who consider themselves ‘good white allies’ are only interested in seeing and fetishizing Black suffering.

Way to hold these lexicographers to their descriptivist-leaning purposes. Now, are the staff at the OED listening?

Even for many on the A-B end, the dresses are impractical because the neckline plunges below the bust. Or the leg slit makes it impossible to walk without VPL flashing. It’s really only suitable for the ‘gram, not wearing and moving.

We don’t want to be “included” in racist power structures, we want to abolish them!

Despite making his point within the allotted time, Jeremy wishes that more personal stories and policy proposals from the seven-hour call had gone viral.

Brilliant. This is like not having to choose between the mail and the tacos.

You just cook, and then you chill.

Especially since it doesn’t square with his other likely belief that “the only good X is a dead X”. (Not that he’s going to say that out loud into a dictating program, though.)

People who haven’t spent much time driving through California don’t seem to understand: A. How large it is, and B. How mythical the idea of it being a liberal hotbed of hedonism is. Outside of maybe ten cities or four metro areas, it’s basically as white and conservative as so much of the rest of the suburban and