
You’d think a group of mums on the UES would be incredibly skilled at knowing how to appoint people of colour to do their work for them.

Fair game. The deepest conversations they probably have are at Soul Cycle.

I didn’t know about Graham Linehan, but that’s truly disgusting. It’s not as though he just says obtuse and clueless things, he’s actually identified as an anti-trans activist in several articles.
As much as I like The IT Crowd (though I never got into Father Ted), its brilliance was more to do with the actors than the

Sorry if my response sounded like a flip “In my day...”. That’s not what I meant to say. I agree it’s sweet to show family dynamics—as well as a variety of different ways a loving family can look.

Gross. It’s been disheartening to see how much these ideas have taken a foothold amongst cis-female writers who would otherwise be feminist champions in Britain. I was also dismayed when Hadley Freeman took a similar line a few years ago. And then, of course, Germaine Greer [Aussie, yes, I know] spewing her anti-trans

Oh, thank you. I think my generation just accepted all our favourite characters living singular existences and never really questioned beyond that.

I mean, at least Alejandro González Iñárritu didn’t try his umpteenth version of loosely scattered ensemble vignettes meant to show us how connected we are.

Seriously. It really doesn’t count as a continuous shot if you just repeatedly focus on a wall or corridor when you’re transitioning scenes. That was so inelegant and was annoying by the third time it was done.

Don’t get me wrong: I love Michael Keaton, but that was such an overrated film. And a huge WTF? to Emma Stone getting nominated for it. 

I cannot tell whether this is a wise crack or actual fact--and that alone tells us what we need to know about the Academy.

It’s been a long time I’ve watched Sesame Street. I thought that was Telly. Does Elmo’s father regularly appear, or is this a new development?

I agree with your comment, but I did want to mention that the shop owner spoke to the local news in the days following the murder—and apparently he wasn’t onsite at the time. It was the person staffing the store who called the police. I don’t know whether that person is still employed at the shop, but the owner did

The reporting timelines I’ve seen claim the CME report from Hennepin did actually list homicide as the cause of death (along with all the distracting information shoved into it), but someone in the county--whether it be a PR cover-up or something insidious far deeper in the system--basically did a William Barr and

I appreciate this list, but I wish you would change the lede photo. It contains at least two items from Bobbi Brown Cosmetics, which is decidedly NOT cruelty-free.

I appreciate this list, but I wish you would change the lede photo. It contains at least two items from Bobbi Brown

I know. But I also wanted to add a counterpoint to think about extending the timeline. Because, if nothing else, the governing body was founded and built upon the looting of bodies and lands from...pick any of these the present.

Correction: the 17-year-old caller said a 5-person commission was too small to represent the citizens of LA and called for a larger citizens’ oversight committee to replace it.

Now playing

While the humourous and sweary calls are what is blowing up on Twitter, I listened to most of the 8-hour call and will say that, interspersed with people going off in creative or just plain outraged ways, the call was full of people who brought the receipts and said they attend the in-person meetings on a regular

I watched about 5 hours before falling asleep. Of course these won’t become a thing based on how this one went, but damn did I think about how much I would want the NYPD to hold one.

Now playing

And not specifically LAPD, but a classic of the genre: