
At first, I hated on Lululemon for the cult surrounding them (that, and some of the bags my then-roommate had were just full of shitty copy like “children are the orgasm of life”), but when all the CEO stuff rounded Gawker, I felt justified that I never felt comfortable buying their overpriced crap.

On the other hand, they’re not all that great. Their cheaper stuff is fine for the price, but it’s still blah and boxy. They’re unlikely to make it past the normcore era.

It’s like, news flash, mayor: Vegas is also full of people with families. It isn’t just The Strip. Even there, places like Circus Circus and Excalibur exist for...families.

Big Time Rush is back.

Indeed. I totally forgot Apple dated Blaine for a hot second.

Meh, these look like rejected scraps of sub-Pendleton blankets. Dare I say I actually find most of them ugly?

No. Cream/ivory and black all the way.

My sister and her friend dragged me into the cinema to watch B&R because, their words, “Chris O’Donnell is hot”. When Mr. Freeze made his first appearance crashing a party and said “chill” as he froze everyone, I said “fuck this movie” and grumbled through the rest of it while the rest of the party commented on

I remember that. The hissing began when she presented the Oscar for Best Makeup and looked slightly puffier than she did in Clueless (mostly just in the face). There was even some news segment about it that ended with reassurances she was getting into shape for the Batsuit (yes, there was patronizing footage of her

She’s wearing a skirt and tights--the skirt just goes below the knee (which is itself an aberration on Fox News).

I can’t be the only one whose response to that was “Fuddruckers is still around?”

Someone got mad at a Tim Hortons employee and spat on them.

I also cannot believe how much MasterClass has been bombarding me on YouTube. No, I do not want to learn how semi-act from Natalie Portman, thankyouverymuch.

Oh my goodness, same. Every fifth email message I open hopes I am doing OK during “this unprecedented time”. And I roll my eyes because, of course, that isn’t so, and unprecedented now seems to mean “hasn’t happened in my lifetime or memory, so nothing exists before 1980 [or 1960].”

I also saw something quite accurate which more or less said what we’re calling essential workers others see as a euphemism for “expendable” based on the way their employers—and customers—are treating them (lack of safety and protective equipment, etc).

That house is straight out of Big Little Lies, Nocturnal Animals, or the third episode of Black Mirror (series one). Are we sure the Lincoln rep makes it out alive, or with his memory intact?

If it’s Taylor like another commenter is saying, she was the sole cast member going to public (non-private, non fee-paying) school (Stuyvesant).

I’m sure they storyboarded out the interactions between the kids, but the bit about NYC teens comporting themselves like adults (while still being childish and sheltered in several other ways) is certainly accurate.

I seem to remember some outlet like Vulture doing an update on her when she was in college (William and Mary). They seemed to hint she’d gone slightly granola at the time.

Think of the American equivalent of Eton, Harrow, Westminster School, or St. Paul’s School.