
Mailed birthday cards are definitely more meaningful than the standard-issue pre-printed holiday photo cards everyone gets en masse at the end of the year.  The individual thought and memory required to get your birthday right and send a card to one person isn’t something enough people still do. 

I read that and went “yeah, that’s called a deterrent”. And some woefully thick people need that sort of steep fine to finally get it and change their behaviour.

Ha ha. Total coincidence, but I did notice as a viewer of the syndicated series that Jazz often wears that shirt. (They probably only filmed the door scene once and used the same shirt as much as possible continuity.)

Whoa. I didn’t notice that at first. She looks like Becky of the Corn.

Indeed for Whole Foods--they’re planning a sick out today to protest the lack of protections.

Yes, and they used advantages of size and relative might to push out competition enough to become “ingrained and necessary” in many of our lives.

I think the caucus app scared the virus away.

When a Trump’s involved, it’s automatically renamed “Con”.

“They cahn’t be sewious. Donahld Twump?”

Yup, dog whistle much?

Mad props, Hokes. I had to self-isolate before I could safely snort-chortle at that one.

Well done!

I’m vaguely wondering if the fact that she is the only person who used blue paper for her note is the equivalent of blinking twice.

Truly. This basic virus doesn’t discriminate.

I was wondering if the woman in gray boots in the center is either the Regina George of the group, or if she was summarily booted (pun not intended) from the group after the photo was taken for not being up to regulation.

That orange glow is just the Holy Spirit.

Oh my gosh, Faith Hill is among their numbers.

It is. I realised that shortly after making the comment and taking a second glance at the photos. I’d initially assumed it was tacky art, because after the photo of the bathroom, I wouldn’t have put that past the stagers.

LOL, Kevin’s emotive kid at 1:56.
Also, Brian looks like Beavis.

I often find myself, after sighing with exasperation, seriously wanting someone within striking distance to just charge at him and take him out. Were I a Secret Service agent assigned to his detail, I might just do it for the greater good, personal consequences be damned.