
That’s actually why I’ve encountered this shrinking circle of places I can go to do my essential shopping. It isn’t the picked-over aisles that get to me, it’s that I have to try my best not to turn around and lecture the people who are riding my tail in the checkout queue. I really don’t want to resort to delivery

Aw, how could anyone say no to that face? It’s adorable at the end how they’re basically grooming each other: she licking his nose, and he petting her with his beard.

Oh, that slice of cake looks so delicious. As a result of most shops being closed, I’ve found almost every cake shop has been shuttered for the time being. I broke down and bought a supermarket slice, but instantly regretted it once the sugar coma set in. Luckily a nearby shop is re-opening for takeaway orders soon

So much so that he did it again two decades later.

Let’s just also say that it’s sad and ludicrous that we’re comparing disaster response after and earthquake in Haiti to COVID-19 response in the United States. It makes as much sense as panic buying toilet paper.

Thank you. There are so, so many people who are experts on infectious disease, public health, and epidemiology. Many of them are commentating up a storm on TV appearances 24/7. Cable news just cannot break its need to also serve as infotainment.

Practically every historian and epidemiologist compares this current pandemic to those of 1918 or 1957. I don’t understand why Ashley is trashing this take, apart from sheer ignorance.

Basically, this site hates you if you try, ‘cos they sure have stopped.

It’s so maddening. Meanwhile, my colleagues in the Netherlands have been ordered to stay at home by the govt until 1 June, and are all being paid with full benefits (another govt decision) until then. Staying home is now their temporary “job”. Sometimes I wish I hadn’t moved back...

Oof. Burn! [But also, accurate burn.]

It would have been too weird if Rachel Bilson also wound up with Penn Badgley.
But I legit read this headline and panicked that Brody and Meester maybe had just split up, because I still occasionally have to separate Bilson and Meester’s names in my head to be sure I’m thinking of the correct person.

I’m not ashamed to admit I found Alex Greenwald attractive in that Depeche Mode Gap commercial in the late ‘90s.

He did. And then he knocked up his then-girlfriend, Sophia, and had a royal shotgun wedding.

Erik-Michael Estrada

Hell, I just want whisky.

My thoughts exactly. As a side effect of this quarantine, all the Jezebel bloggers seem to have come down with a compulsion to pick petty fights where they don’t seem to realize they are so clearly missing the point.

Do you remember during the W Bush Administration, when the Governator was tipped as a future GOP leader, there was some Republican talking point chatter about amending the US-born requirement for President? It was largely based on elevating Schwarzenegger as an eventual candidate, but the GOP is way too zenophobic to

They should update it now that the number of cases is over 80,000 and the US now has the most cases of any country in the world.

Yes! And he’s in the FX series adaptation of What We Do In the Shadows now. That’s how I knew it wouldn’t be a disappointment to the film.

My thoughts as well. Same with that Wonder Woman room.