
I’ve been thinking about how they’re safer in Trudeau’s Canada (in exclusive island seclusion) than in BoJo’s Britain. Well played, Sussexes, even if unintentionally.
As for the health of the Queen, I actually predict Phillip would be the first to go and that Liz will hang on as she always has.

This one hurts, folks. I cannot even begin to list his works that affected me without leaving a huge list, but I’ll just let the ever-eloquent Paula Vogel say what I’m thinking.

I wouldn’t call that childish bickering. It looks more like good-natured ribbing, and Biden immediately concedes to Tapper’s point before giving his response, then goes on to flash his pearly blinding whites. It’s such a sharp contrast to Trump attacking the White House Press Corps, calling their questions nasty and

Now playing

Slow clap.
I watched a YouTube of a segment some NBC wing aired about boosting your immune system to defend against COVID-19. Buried deep (12 mins) into the clip was Dr. Oz telling everyone to exercise, take vitamin C and elderberry, and stay hydrated. Half the comments were furious at the Wizard of Quackery

Give it time, and she will be.

Even without kids, those of us lucky enough to have our jobs still have to work 40-60-80 hours a week from home—and then figure out how to squeeze in a workout in our teeny tiny apartments. The only time I’m saving is commute time, which is easily eaten up by the extra time it takes to queue at the shops or the

(Except that someone would inevitably read the ‘monster’ as an allegory for.....)

His other choices are Will Pound and Dun.Can Pound. Rotten choices, the whole lot of them.

She’s certainly no Marshall Scholar.

I was low-key amused that the filter doesn’t really change Joe’s eyes and brows all that much.

Sadly, I should be as well. But I’ve somehow gotten past that cringe phase at some point between A Single Man and The Favourite.

And because Fauci touched his face to hide his disgust, I fear for him personally.

Fucked * Fucked * Fucked. Also, fucked factorial, aka, Fucked!

Mmmmm. Nicholas Hoult is a beautiful man in contemporary dress, but there’s something about him in culottes and a powdered wig that makes my heart go pitter patter.

What a twat. How does he not believe he’s overrated beyond belief in the United States, and in New York in particular?

I’m sure he also feels that since he wasn’t convicted in court that he’s the wronged party in all this. And yet, all the Canadian programmes Ghomeshi presented are just fine without him (Q has had two great hosts since, and Canada Reads has had three. Both are in a better place now.).

I may be alone in this, but when mention of a Slack channel and typical workplace speak crept into the routine, I said “nope”. Not soothing.

Thanks to the Access Hollywood leaked audio, we now know his idea of a joke is “grab ‘em by the p***y” and “I moved on her like a bitch”.

I like that company! I was dining out pre-apocalypse and the restaurant toilets were stocked with piles of this product (the packaging is eye-catching), so I read their copy and vowed to support both the restaurant and the tp company as much as I could.

It’s funny, because developmental psychologists often refer to the first five years of life as the “me” phase, and the time immediately following as the “we” phase, when children go to school and start to regularly socialize as part of society for the first time. We teach young children to value sharing at an early