
I don’t know fully know how to feel about this. On the one hand, good. His privilege shouldn’t shield him from this or get him special treatment. On the other, I have extreme concern for the people being held at Rikers for minor charges who are stuck in the prison industrial complex and at risk to COVID-19. Finally,

Understood. You’re absolutely entitled to your opinion and thoughts and I am in no way criticizing that. I just wanted to mention, for this forum to read, where BB was coming from. I don’t know much about his music, either, but my main knowledge of him is on the way he presents—and I’m all for it.

Never thought I’d say this, but Simon Rex is a halfway decent guy.

You’re absolutely entitled to your opinion and I take no issue with it. I just want to point out that the word “emasculating” here is irrelevant. Bad Bunny is perfectly at ease with his gender fluidity. And for many fluid and nonbinary people, the thought of something being emasculating is beside the point.

Not to mention, the solution many places in the nation have for people experiencing homelessness and mental illness is to provide them a one-way bus ticket to California, where they have no network or resources to help themselves. It’s truly disgusting.

I’ve been so dismayed at grown adults exposing their ignorance as well. Not just people revealing themselves as conspiracy theorist trolls IRL (which is indeed scary, and it’s a good thing your coworker was sent home), but people just not understanding the concept of public health and some basic tenets of

We’re at the stage where “storage sites” are being scouted, with few being told that what’s to be stored are the bodies we won’t have anywhere to bury or burn.

That’s actually a very thoughtful approach. I, too, would love to show support to the restaurants and coffee/tea shops that are relying on takeaway/delivery to survive. I’ll do what I can with my budget. And, as the local greenmarkets are still allowed to continue, with modified procedures, I’ll be showing up to those

Congratulations on the newest addition to your brood, Krispy! I also was so touched by the care and patience you show in soothing the many cats at the shelter, but especially Pumpkin, Griffin, and Tiger this edition. They’ve been through horrible trauma at the hands of a terrible person (seriously, this sort of human

about six years later I got a request for a reference for her from my (now) current company. I told them the truth about her managerial skills and morality. She was not hired

I’m not blaming the tech workers alone for the shelter-in-place (every college campus, packed train, and tent city was a risk as well), nor am I downplaying its importance (in fact, I would argue it should have been implemented sooner—like when the cruise ship docked). But huge tech campuses did in fact contribute to

It’s a pity, because quarantining them all in Hudson Yards would have been somewhat satisfying.

service workers across the Bay Area are experiencing mass layoffs, as restaurants frequented by affluent tech workers shutter their doors per county-wide lockdown edicts

And what was she expecting the hospital in Southampton to do for her? Magically conjure up a treatment and cure that doesn’t exist? That wouldn’t have been available in a top-notch Manhattan medical center? Truly delusional. You can’t ask to “speak to the manger” as a solution to every situation, lady.

Such a back-handed compliment, but I agree: this was good. And Joan does personal pieces quite well. Jezebel should take note and do more like this, less about YouTubers who don’t even deserve the snark.

Ha. Thankfully, I escaped without any physical contact. This was back during his first mayoral run [Bloomberg was running for his second term, so it was an acknowledged vanity run on Weiner’s part just to raise his profile], so well before the first of his many scandals. He just looked bored and uninterested in being

It’s disgusting that the small, independent businesses were all first to send me e-mails about “making the difficult but responsible decision” to temporarily shut down and make assurances they would pay their staff. Only when local and state government gave orders to shut down did chain stores take losses or show any

saying that he had “some exciting opportunities” to talk to me about.

There will be lawsuits.

Quite frankly, when I received the push notification of 45's negative test result, I immediately thought “fake news!”