
So do I! I hate that it’s popped up into every beauty product, “natural” and otherwise, over the past half-decade or so. I basically cannot use anything.

If you haven’t already, you may still be able to buy trip insurance to mitigate the financial loss. Or check your credit cards to see if they have policies that would allow you to claim some sort of refund beyond what the retailers would.

Yeah, but that wouldn’t calm Bill’s anxieties, because he doesn’t inhale.

I know. Sigh. Sometimes, we have to jolt back up and remind ourselves what a stupid country and society we really are. It’s like we can only collectively surprise ourselves by electing one inspirational candidate in our lifetimes.
Let’s prepare for a long succession of meh candidates for at least another generation.

Honestly, if a Secret Service agent went momentarily rogue on him, I’m sure some shadowy network would cover them and provide a quick, covert escape to a country that does not have an extradition agreement with the US.

Wouldn’t it be grand if Castro’s presence on the ticket (plus Beto’s enthusiastic campaigning support) helped flip Texas, finally?

I can never remember if it’s Kaine or Kain and have to look it up on the occasions that I care enough to do so. If she’d chosen some bland white guy who spoke Spanish from a rust belt state, perhaps that would have been a better strategy. Virginia as a swing state ultimately didn’t matter all that much.

It’s also funny that people think of Cambridge and Cape Cod, when there’s the entirety of Western Massachusetts tacked onto that.

I’m sure her people are architecting her run now.

I’m sure Caroline Kennedy thought it would be similarly smooth sailing when Schumer initially tapped her to replace Clinton’s NY Senate seat. She’s a Kennedy, but a woman and trying to pull that Camelot shit in NY instead of MA, so it didn’t work out for her.

Susan Rice?

3. You can amass $60 bn in personal wealth and it still won’t shield you from the schoolyard bullies’ ridicule. They’ll still mock you endlessly when they catch you licking your fingers and going back into the pizza box.

The media underestimated him (despite a constant lead in national polls), and that became his campaign’s greatest weapon.

See, now wait just a minute. Now, that’s just sad!

Abrams has recently changed her tune and openly said she would definitely consider an invitation as someone’s VP.

As much as Warren is already a lion in the Senate, I would love to see the Dems take the House and the Senate in 2020, then move full steam ahead with righting history to make her head of the CFPB (or something even bolder and more ambitious to fit her talents) or some other federal bureau that allows her to bring

What’s even more disgusting is that he dumped that half a billion dollars and could not care less. He has so much that it means nothing to him.

Yes. And I give zero fucks who Thurston Moore endorses.

I’ll take De Blasio’s knife-and-fork pizza consumption any day over the spectre of Bloomie licking his grubby digits and double dipping. Neither is the proper way to eat a New York slice, but one is at least sanitary.