
Not to mention Tamron Hall.

And the beleaguered segment producer can take of their raincoat and spittle shield and breathe a sigh of relief.

“I know we’re not allowed to say this any more, but ____

[DETOUR] Let’s talk about which Glossier products are actually recommends and which are overhyped duds.

My problem wasn’t that Pete “isn’t gay enough”; it’s that he strikes me as a particular kind of gay white dude who would be a Republican if he didn’t happen to like other guys.

“a well-intentioned, good man who is making an honest attempt at understanding and correcting racial inequality.”

Seriously, I knew and went to school with a hundred Pete Buttigiegs (+ or - the military service). I’ve met perhaps one or two people with a resume and set of accomplishments like Cory Booker’s. [One of them was Cory Booker.]

I seriously thought that argument was weaksauce. He’ll definitely be at least as wealthy as Bernie and Warren by the time he’s in his 70s, and he had a (milquetoast) bestseller earlier in life than most of the other candidates did. And is there anything wrong with a two-income household of highly educated and

Without Iowa, you dont have any of these complaints and articles complaining about how a mayor in the 308th largest city is being considered for president. Truth was most people felt that way!

By gosh, I hope she gets the call. If the Democratic Party doesn’t realize she’s exactly what a ticket needs, they don’t deserve her.

I did raise my eyebrow when Abrams recently changed her line of response from “I’m not here to run for second place” to “I would consider being asked to join a ticket”. That does likely mean she’s had some serious inquiries and discussions. A Biden alliance makes sense, as he has foreign policy experience (and that’s

It’s such a disease that when they hear phrases like “empowering black women entrepreneurs” or “creating opportunities for young black girls”, their minds automatically insert the word “only” and make it exclusionary—against themselves. Same reason they can’t bear something as inarguable as Black Lives Matter, because

Mercifully, the next debate isn’t until March 15, and there are no more debates currently scheduled after that one.

If this trend continues, in the end everyone who will not see their preferred nominee win will hate everybody else, or be so jaded and exhausted that they’ll stay home in November and let the orange thing destroy this country for another 4 years. And this time around “her e-mails” are no longer an excuse.

Yep, and it’s clear all Pete cared about in this run was his political future, not winning.

Here’s a bit more on the Warren campaign’s pathway to her nomination. Yes, vote for her when your primary rolls around!

At worst, Pete strategically dropped out now because he knows it’ll help Biden.

Or just to establish himself for a future, more serious run.