
Yes! EVERYBODY reading this comment should go see Portrait of a Lady on Fire, if you haven’t already. I was so shocked and disappointed at its shutout from the Oscars (a fate essentially sealed when France chose to submit Ladj Ly’s Les Miserables to Best International Film instead of Portrait). While I applaud the

Holy fuck, he was behind Powder? That film was such a stinker, not even the presence of Sean Patrick Flanery (albeit in obscuring makeup) could stop me from speaking ill of it. Directing that film was a totally separate (much lesser) crime.

I’m OK with them croaking in prison, but in Harvey’s case, he needs to stay alive long enough to suffer through the charges he faces in LA, and possibly London and elsewhere, so that his victims in other jurisdictions can attempt to receive some modicum of justice and move toward closure and healing.

Say it loud. Say it proud!

When I received the push notification about Buttigieg dropping out of the race, I cannot tell you how elated I was. Hold the Mayo! Well done to him for the historic firsts he accomplished as an openly gay candidate, but FFS, he broke enough things and sucked up enough oxygen on his very loud PR campaign to get a

Yes! Do it in the claymation style of Celebrity Death Match.

The could just drop Sussex altogether and call themselves Harry & Meghan while selling subscriptions to monthly fruit boxes.

True! I audibly went “Aww!” when she came into frame.


I’m still iffy on the “safely prepared” part. I don’t know if anyone else found the microwavable sleeve unnerving as a child. The coating on the inside layer always looked vaguely metallic or lacquered to me and I lived in fear the microwave would ignite mid-reheat.

Yeah, for the Hot Pockets heiress, she sure does seem to have lean pockets.

Couldn’t they just make a donation to the school to get them in?

I don’t know whether I’d be pleased or outraged to hear he died in hospital before serving time.

Same. I’d always assumed it was because she broke around the same time as Adele, and that she fell by the wayside because her work seemed a bit more perfunctory than Adele’s. But now I feel badly for even critiquing her in retrospect. I hope she pursues music again to the extent that she desires.

Oof. So glad I wasn’t cognizant enough in ‘87 to directly recall that event. It lives on in archival infamy.

He basically pulled a Grandpa Joe or a Cousin Matthew. A verdict day miracle!

No way would Cuomo do it. His administration is already tainted enough by Cy Vance’s willingness to freeze prior NYPD investigations.

Same. I felt cynical going into the weekend, and when my phone alerted me we were about to hear the jury’s verdict, I had a sinking feeling. It was unexpected to get the follow-up notifications from both the NYT and The Guardian to let me know a dose of justice had been served.