
Should have gone with “Police Action Machine” or “International Incident Machine,” so it was more ambiguous.

Even setting aside the conversation about “cheapness” (I don’t think anything you described is cheap), I hope this happens more, just because I want to see players use tactics that counteract other popular tactics. Why shouldn’t they?

S.T.A.B. - Smile To make it All Better

This is the most Canadian photograph in history

Not long ago Pronger couldn’t even skate let alone play without having severe headaches and post concussion symptoms. He talked about how difficult it was not even being able to play hockey with his kids. It’s a really great sight to see him playing again even if only in a meaningless celebrity game.

It’s understandable. Having a civilized discussion in any Philadelphia sports venue is grounds for dismissal. At the very least they should’ve been yelling, but proper Philly fan behavior is throwing things.

If you think he was justified in knocking that girl out, you may be a bigger asshole than Joe Mixon.

If she has ever been in the vicinity of Mayweather chances are he hit her.

So this girl got hit by Mayweather too? Or Mixon and Mayweather got into a fight?

Hey, I know people keep calling this guy Elite, but he gets into all sorts of trouble when he gets out of the pocket.

“What’s the problem? I was told to stand here, and wear this hat and jack..... oh shit.”

Not calling his family... AARON.