
I mean, yeah. It was a rhetorical question. I’m not suggesting that men shouldn’t be able to have jobs, not really. I’m just highlighting the fact that their presence is often a burden in situations where they have to be monitored at all times.

“If a male staff needs to enter a female room, they need to bring in a female employee with them.”

If it’s a low-grade warehouse-type facility, as seems obvious to me, you’re dealing with mostly minimum-wage staff who are just there to change the sheets and diapers, not provide care. It was almost certainly one of those guys who raped her.

It’s long-term care, they don’t care and they don’t check hormones regularly.  They watch vitals, see any dramatic changes, otherwise all they do is feed/wash/turn/diaper.

To be fair, nobody asked Carly’s husband if he enjoyed spending time with her.

Fingerpainting self portraits of them as president

Lololol right?! Poor Eleanor, traveling around the country, working as the eyes and ears of the presidency. Too bad Fiorina wasn't there to tell her how to really do her job.

She’s trying to be the “good woman” - you know, the one with family values, like loving her husband and hating abortion. Sexist as shit. All the eyerolls.


I didn’t know that an important part of the presidency was enjoying spending time with one’s spouse. Maybe someone should have told that to FDR.

Since this is the “kiddie debate”, wouldn’t it be wonderful if CNN fucked with them and instead of podiums, had them sit at a rickety card table on mismatched folding chairs, with juiceboxes?

I’d like to think she’d be out of she was gay. Enough models are. And if anything she’d probably know she could capitalize on it in her reality TV ways.

they shell be known as Hairy KenDall

As a food scientist, I can tell you that sex is extremely important in food preparation. It’s not a matter of gender; it’s entirely biological. A few science facts:

I'm confused because I'm fucking freezing. Women are supposed to be warmer?

Between that and the bit about menstral cycles, I need to ask: um, guys, is there a part of making sushi where you shove it in your vagina? Because if so, I’ve been doing this all wrong.

others believe that women’s higher core body temperature adversely affects fresh ingredients

Exactly, she was a strong female character without having her gender be something ever even raise in context of her being strong.

My dream is to be you!!! Feeling your feelings AS you are feeling them is so healthy and great!

Nah, that’s overkill. We just need a 30 minute drive home in a fuel efficient car and some old Coldplay song (or if you are too good for that, acoustic Sufjan Stevens) blasting. That should do it.