
For ten years???? She was in an OB ward for ten years? What kind of stupid are you

Pregnancies go undetected all the time. I didn’t know I was pregnant until I was 7 months along. That isn’t the problem. The problem is that a woman was raped while helpless and under the care of medical staff. 


I’m confused. Do you live outside the U.S.? I return stuff all the time for free

That still of Frank looks like Lady Mary

Every man in his early thirties with a soft face looks like Josh Duggar to me today. And I live in Mikwaukee.

Reading comprehension fail on my part!


This almost happened to me! I found out I was pregnant when I was seven months along. While taking birth control (albeit not perfectly). I have maybe two periods a year, and yeah, I took a pregnancy test when my stomach was feeling really firm. Not fat firm, although it was getting round, but it felt like it was

This photo editing leaves a lot to be desired. I can basically see the marionette strings

I use that shade too!

The sad thing is this is a list I would have followed of my own accord a few years ago. For a real life boy


Ever heard of Bob Jones University? I should send you their student handbook. One of the many dress code rules includes forbidding any clothes from Abercrombie and Fitch or it’s little brother Hollister because of their ungodly advertising standards. It’s a four-year university, bona fide degree-granting school, just


I was going to spend a few minutes crafting a pithy, breezy, star-worthy comment and then I realized...

Sure did. I think that guy gets a kick out of it, honestly.

Well, see, IUD’s are fucking expensive even for women who do have jobs. But whatever. It boils down to whether you think a government providing service s to people via taxes is a good thing or not. I tend to think that countries who do this well do pretty well in general. I think health related services is a good use

Whenever someone uses the word “female” as a noun and not an adjective I know better than to pay them any attention.

Let’s just be glad that no one has invoked the Shade Court to weigh in.