
Instead of people complaining about these same old tired jokes ( I get them in my job too) maybe we should all appreciate the fact that not everyone looks at us as worker drones and some people actually take the time to try and interact with us instead of treating us like a drone.

Seriously, what would you rather have, an old joke as a start of a conversation or eerie silence?

Eh. I work in a field that we get the same comment. I don’t really care. Sometimes it’s the opening to chat with people that you need. It doesn’t cost me anything but about 3 seconds so why make a fuss of it? 

LOL “the blueprints”? So here’s what disney’s going to do - they’re going to end it by killing spiderman. End of Story. So how exactly does Sony use its outdated blueprints to pick up on a story that Sony themselves ruined by not playing nice? And hi, it’s Sony, they can’t help but make garbage 

A few years ago Disney Marvel was willing to burn the X-men franchise and replace them with Inhumans. I can’t see them now, as the most popular cinema brand of all time, coming begging for Spider-man. They put up a fair deal and it got rejected. Spider-man’s just out.

I can honestly say I did not expect you to double down on your stupidity.  Well done.

That blueprint was “Have Kevin Feige and the entire MCU involved in the process.”

“Don’t understand why so many of you ride for a homogenized version of movies.”

“Now that Sony has the blueprint on how to make a GOOD Spider-Man movie they can start printing money for themselves...” You’re assuming a level of competence which I don’t believe Sony possesses. 

The blueprint relies heavily on “have Spider Man interact with the MCU,” though.

They’ve had the template for how to make a good superhero movie for years. They just aren’t willing to commit to it.

Here’s an exclusive preview of the last panel from Marvel’s next big massive cross-over event:

and when Disney calls to borrow a cup of sugar”

Maybe it’s time to rethink microtransactions?

I wish I could say either side is entirely in the right, but, as is the nature of these things, neither is.

Then they need to make a product that’s worth purchasing, at a price point people can accept.

Back in my day, if you beat a game in three hours or less, you got free skins and unlimited ammo

Noticing a pattern now, always concentrating on the small really hostile vocal minority (which to be honest there is no need for death threats and that is just ridiculous) and ignoring the more balanced calm debates and throwing them in with the hostile people .

PR Training for all outward facing Dev’s is a must, non negotiable and must be practiced. It’s either you prepare and have countermeasures or you have this... which to be honest is fun to watch explode all over those numpty’s.

Exhibit 15243 of why you should hire dedicated community relations people to interact with your customers, and not rely of development employees. (Especially if you are an even moderately sized studio)