
Ignoring all the sweaty players and streamers crying about pub stomping, what you say is very true and I wish it was more of the focus of conversation. SBMM itself isn’t a bad thing, but how it’s implemented in CoD and how wildly and aggressively it swings is the true problem.

There is no ranked/unranked in CoD. The SBMM forces everyone to sweat in every game mode.  What’s worse is that it weighs pretty heavily against the oldschool connection-based matchmaking so you also get way higher ping and longer times to get into matches as you improve.

I think you may have a misunderstanding of how the whole process works, but that’s OK. My guess would be that Sony sells less than 10% of PS5s direct. The other 90%+ are released to the wild where it’s up to retailers how they want to sell them. They’re the ones who are choosing to sell them online-only, not Sony.

You’re really trying to blame the lack of available PS5 stock on Sony? They’re producing as many as they possibly can, and even offering some of them on a lottery basis as direct sales to try to prevent scalpers and script kiddies from getting all of them.

The PS5 more than justifies its existence on framerates alone. Sure, a lot of PS3 games still look pretty good, particularly in a snapshot, but anyone who thinks going from 30fps to 60fps (or more if you have a very new TV) is no big deal probably has the vision of a mole; once you’re used to the upgrade, going back

I think the jump from PS3 to PS5 will be significantly different. I’m on Xbox with the Series X. The load times are lighting fast. It takes me 20 seconds to get into Forza Horizon 5. My Xbox One took me two minutes to load into Forza Horizon 4. Lighting, shadows, water and fire effects look better as well.

Load times. That’s where the best improvement is, in my opinion. I haven’t played a PS5 as of yet, but the jump from PS3 to PS4 is fantastic. It’s why I originally even got a PS4 even though there wasn’t really any games for it. The load times in DC Universe Online were brutal on a PS3.

I think GT7 is a fantastic case for why SSD speeds are helpful: a race loads from the menu in less than a second most of the time, which drastically changes how you play. You’re more willing to jump into a race just to try it and see how you do, and if it doesn’t work out, it’s no big deal. On PS4, those same loads

I hope not, while the white controller does look nice, it’ll class with all my other systems. All of which are black, save for my gray and poorly detailed MW2 edition 360. (360 system # 8, joy. 😑)

Cool, you’re decidedly in the minority however. That game sold gangbusters and did very good numbers with critics and fans alike. Especially the Spider-Man fans I know, of which I am one.

In retrospective the first presentation was not aimed at the public but for developers. It was their Game Developers Conference (GDC) presentation that was cancelled.

Thankfully, Microsoft set the bar really low with that one. If Sony actually PLAYS a few games, they will surpass it. 

Be interesting to see if there’s any space for PSVR or not. Be a bit odd if they announce the new console yet not a shred of word on that.

To be fair there’s a half-decent chance that, at least for those whom English is their primary language, the potential first experience for a kid with hearing the word Mako (if they’d heard it at all) was in reference to the mako shark, which as far as I know is pronounced May-ko.

Mayko always sounded better to me. It was years later that I realized I was saying it wrong, but I’m actually right... in my heart.

The original, especially in the Midgar section, was almost completely linear, so be careful with your expectations. Even later, once the game opened up, it took a while for it to REALLY open up and even then the story was mostly linear--you could just go fart around racing chocobos if you wanted.

Hot take. Linearity isn’t inherently a bad thing.

What IS that point?

What’s funny about “mid-life-crisis” cars is that they are usually expensive, impractical sports cars that you wouldn’t want to daily drive. Young people (maybe with children) don’t have the disposable income for a second (or more likely, third) car that is more than twice the price of their other vehicles and can

Paragraphs my friend, paragraphs...