
The last thing the NFL needs is more teams.

As great a rapper as he is he’s always been an opportunist piece of shit. From the constant unsavory name dropping of Biggie in his early albums to shooting Un Rivera over leaked songs to tricking on Beyonce nobody should ever expect decisions based on morality from him

A lot of dumb people like to cite Sowell because he is a black conservative with a Harvard degree so he must be an expert, right? And for years, he used that intellectual cache to blatantly lie and misrepresent facts.

I Read your link.

Whatever Sowell might have been worth when he first rose to prominence in the 60s-70s, that was abandoned for co-signing the hard-right orthodoxy of conservatism from the 80s forward.  I recall reading an article from some years ago where Sowell remarked that the “post-colonial” era of Africa wasn’t worth reparations

Thomas Sowell? Hahaha, how did he get in here? I thought he’d fallen off the deep end of black neo cons, never to be heard from again! You are probably the only one still taking him seriously. Does Sowell still think Barack Obama is the worst president ever? I guess you also genuflect at the altar of Shelby Steele.

Probably because he’s a conservative hack dressed in libertarian clothes trying to get black people to buy into supply-side economics, racial pseudoscience and the merit myth.

I hope that, as you “move forward,” you are comforted by the jingling sound of the 30 pieces of silver inside the cupholder of your Maybach.

Obviously someone at Sony cares as it is their job to pick the games. Also you in particular have a bad habit of making assumptions about other posters.

Sony would definitely troll me by giving me Detroit after I had purchased it 2 weeks earlier. I was actually interested in trying a modern soccer game.

Metroidvania is rather about how you already have the door/pathway right in front of you way earlier but you can only unlock it with certain “tools” you get much later in the game. Backtracking to the point you have previously gone through is a huge point to be called metroidvania.

There is some overlap between “Metroid” and the Zelda series (Not only “Ocarina of Time”. Literally ALL OF IT, except perhaps the NES original and “Breath of the Wild”).

But you can’t really consider them the same genre, since Zelda still had other elements that Metroidvanias lacked: side-quests, towns and NPCs, the

My understanding is that “metroidvania” came to be as a sort of snarky term for Symphony of the Night’s new direction for the Castlevania series. “Castlevania? More like Metroid-vania! lolololol”

I played games for years without knowing what the hell “Roguelike” meant. Coincidentally, it’s also a genre named after a game.

But it’s totally a 3d metroidvania. Big maze-ish world that you progress through incrementally and non-linearly by getting new abilities.

I mean, with that point.  its like saying we should stop calling games RPGs because basically every game fits that definition now.  All genres are starting to blend to some degree.

Not at all, it involves gaining new abilities to access parts of the map that you couldnt before. That is the main thing that defines a metroidvania.

Counterpoint: “Metroidvania” is just fine, has been around for decades, and is an established term that refers to a specific genre of game. Specifically, one in which you’re placed into a maze-like world that requires getting powerups to advance, and once you do, the door is open for incremental backtracking and

Metroidvania’s refer to unlocking abilities that unlock more access to the world around you. You can have a 2D and a 3D metroidvania, but it’s about that gated access to a world that opens up w/ new abilities.

Imma let you finish but, nope. Metroidvania is a genre and if you have to explain the word then so be it. At some point you have to explain words to people who are unfamiliar with them, like RPG or any of its derivatives.