
It’s the same reason kids yell this shit when playing online multiplayer.

The only ones that blinked are Dems. McConnell ain’t voting on shit. Then they’ll be back here in 3 weeks. 3 weeks where the GOP will be able to frame the argument proactively. You will see talking heads all over planting the seeds that if they shutdown again, it’s the Dems that care more about immigrants, that don’t

Sounds like you meet the criteria, though.

I’ll stop mentioning it when Depp gets more than a slap on the wrist for abusing his wife.

Stories about shitty studio practices should be right at the top of any gaming-related site. If those people are whistleblowing in hope of improving their work conditions, every site should make it a top priority to cover the story.
The industry should improve and the only way for that to happen is by spreading

Innocent until proven guilty applies only to a court of law, not to the court of public opinion, an employer, or to representation.

It was a deliberately glib comment, I thought that was obvious since I always give pretty substantive replies to the readers (grays included), but OK.

If i can get it locally i wont order it online. I dont want to pay for shipping or wait a few days. And before you say get prime, well i dont want to pay monthly for something i might rarely use.

One store does not represent all of retail. I agree BB&B is a horrible customer experience with crap everywhere and nearly impossible to navigate, but that’s not what every store is like.

It’s not just gamers. Society is progressively disconnecting itself from real.. reality. It’s all made up. Everything is a joke, everything is a meme. People would do anything for the sake of entertainment and it’s fucking scary that we are reaching those points. Where we lack the empathy to see how our actions affect

I’m so sick of hearing about the police murdering compliant people in total absence of wrongdoing. I’m even sicker of the fact that they get away with it.

The reason the police officer was there does not excuse the fact that he shot an innocent person.

And make the little shitweasel responsible cry all the fucking way to prison.

“Swatting” should bring domestic terrorism charges, and the penalties that go with it.

I still don’t understand that nihilist viewpoint regarding the OT trio’s fates post RotJ. Nothing they did was a failure simply because a new set of films carried their stories further. They achieved their successes and suffered their failures in their lives as every single person does. If anything it grounds their

That is not, at all, how it came off to me.

Honest question with no snark intended... would you have been okay with TFA and TLJ if the original three weren’t in it? How would it be explained away that General Organa has nothing to do with continuing to fight the Empire/First Order or that Luke has nothing to do with the battle of good and evil? If Disney had

Rob - I’m largely on the same page as you. Born in 1976, and Luke Skywalker is my hero.

THANK YOU. I don’t get why people didn’t pick up on this.

Yo, I’ve been in love with Han Solo for basically my entire conscious life, trust me, I get it. But there’s nuance here that there wasn’t before, and I think that was a smart storytelling move for making Kylo Ren into a compelling villain and/or antihero. His conflict and the fact that it comes from a place you can