
I’m afraid that they do realize it and as long as that gigantic market is still there, they won’t lose any sleep over it.  And the next time Trump does something fucking appalling, Popovich, Kerr, Lebron, and many others will collectively dunk on his dumb ass and the NBA sycophants will praise them for being so brave,

I totally agree with everything you said but would like to add that people should also vote in the primaries to make sure that the democrats with the megawealthy corporate donors aren’t the opposition in the general.  If the general election is between Trump and Biden/Harris/Booker/Beto this clown show will continue

The way news media is funded is more of an issue than how long its duration is.

I take it that your full name is “my Joe Biden”

That’s where ALL of Biden’s numbers are coming from.  That’s why he takes every opportunity to say Obama.  Once he loses the nostalgia vote, he is doomed.

Replace Kamala and Booker with Gabbard and Yang then the citizens of the US can actually hear about interesting policy positions they may not have thought about before (like UBI and not being in constant regime change wars).  Harris should only be there if we need to hear from someone who wanted to throw mothers in

I disagree...Tulsi put the screws to creepy-eyed robot Tim Ryan and can do the same to old handsy Joe

I’m actually quite happy they allowed him to speak so much.  I can’t imagine that dude makes it to the next debate considering how much he was dunked on by Bernie and Warren.  That Reagan wannabe is done simply because they let his ignorant ass speak so much.

I did a spit take at “progressive moderate”

This video, along with the fact that she and Ro Khanna are the only two house Democrats against Paygo, makes me love AOC more than I already did. I just hope you can keep taking steps forward while taking fire from both the right and “left” in this country.

or he becomes the next Randy Orton body horror puppet

The best part about that idea would be when the punters try to hit a dangling Booger with a booming punt. I would actually start watching MNF again if this happened.

And those same people change their tune immediately when they are the ones needing help.  I despise those types.

Is that Alyssa Milano behind Kavanaugh’s blubbering mug?

Is that Alyssa Milano behind Kavanaugh’s blubbering mug?

I love that Kavanaugh thinks since his calendar diary doesn’t specifically say “totally raped a girl today!!!” that it is proof he didn’t do anything.  He is such a blubbering prick.

See guys...calendar doesn’t say “totally sexually assaulted a girl” so it didn’t happen.

I like your angle.

Having stuff like The View on television is just one of many reasons why discord in this country is at a first grade level.  No one knows what they are talking about so they strawman each other’s arguments then play a game of who can say the most outlandish shit at the loudest decimal level.  These same tactics are

That’s why he shouldn’t have that much money to begin with. A heavy tax on anything above a million a year would probably help with this issue in the future.