I suggest watching or listening to Joe Rogan’s podcast with Damore. He is far from a misogynist that people have made him out to be. I know that isn’t going to be super popular on this site but you may want to hear the guy out.
I suggest watching or listening to Joe Rogan’s podcast with Damore. He is far from a misogynist that people have made him out to be. I know that isn’t going to be super popular on this site but you may want to hear the guy out.
Considering hes the guy that murdered Flacco a year or so ago, I’m surprised he was able to leave the Ravens’ sideline.
I starred your comment and immediately was hit by that message. Very strange.
Look into the Justice Democrats platform. Ocasio-Cortez is one of the JD’s and they have a few other primary wins under their belt as well. There is already one JD in the House and he is very progressive (Ro Khanna).
“What the fuck could that Jordan Peterson workshop have looked like?! What the ACTUAL fucking fuck. Fuck.”
I’ve read a lot of the comments down below and one of the common threads is “how would this work without a supervisor”. Sounds like this particular company doesn’t use supervisors but a lot of worker co-ops vote on who the supervisor will be. If the supervisor does not do a good job, they can be voted out after a…
How is the Raptors Mascot’s extended, beautiful, graceless fall not part of this list? That GIF has made me laugh more times than anything that has ever been created on this planet.
lol at good paying jobs.
I love that idea but after playing on Xbox Live for a decade, I still don’t think the average kid playing a COD would have the attention span or the intelligence to actually learn anything. They would most likely utter something along the lines of “dude was a betacuck” then jump back into calling an opponent the N…
Moderate Republicans can and do exist. They are called modern day Democrats.
The Democratic party’s issue is not that the cater too much to their “fringes”, their problem is catering to old school Republicans and centrists. There is no left wing party in this country. If you don’t believe me, try voting against Wall Street, big banks, big Pharma, the military industrial complex, fracking, and…
Yeah you just described a modern day Clinton/Obama style corporate Democrat. They are the Republican Party from 20 years ago while the current Republican’s are crazy people.
Wow I was unaware that there were government-paid car dealerships in this country. I don’t think you’re quite getting the point of the original protests
Wow. I follow politics pretty closely and this is the first time I’ve heard the “Bernie Sanders doesn’t care about minorities” line of thinking. Bernie has some questionable beliefs (mainly when it comes to dealing with other countries) but he seems to be one of a handful of politicians who actually care about the…
I think you just described the United States, not just ESPN
“Just do what the police say and you won’t get shot”
Cancer is not what is causing McCain to act as if he has a soul, its the utter uselessness of the money he was receiving from lobbyists now that he has cancer that is doing it.
He served his “jail time” already. That does not mean he will be able to do everything he has ever wanted to do.
His future employers can though and seem to be doing just that at the moment. I know football teams always seem to hate those pesky distractions and it looks like allowing a rapist on your team may be causing one of those.
He’s suing while using a “anti-male” reasoning...I’m not entirely sold on his rehabilitation.