
LOL too late, fuckers. The baseball gods are displeased and I hope you’re unceremoniously dispatched by the Nats ASAP. 

While I know it’s fashionable to blame Trump for everything, this is hardly his innovation. It’s pretty much the oldest trick in the book for anyone accused of anything true that they’d like people to believe isn’t true. Most recent non-Republican example: why, it’s our old friends the Clintons, of course! I don’t

Love it when brands get burned going into business with so-called foreign country experts who name their marketing companies after Ayn Rand novels.

If he learned anything during his time in America, it’s that being both a coward and a douchebag usually gets you promoted.

I sincerely hope the NBA is starting to understand just who they got in bed with here.

I know this will seem politically incorrect and I will face the wrath of the entire US population — which, Hi Population! — but as a matter of principle I have to say, Yuan Fang sounds like a dumb douchebag.

Players and coaches on police brutality, racial discrimination in 2017: “No justice, No Peace!”

Complicated is short-hand for money on one side and morals on the other.

Infantilizing the man who used to be the most powerful man in the world is a naive take. Yeah, Dick Cheney was evil, but Bush was far from innocent. He enabled all of Cheney’s evil and put a dumb face on it, so people like you would ruffle his hair and say: “Aw, lil’ guy ain’t so bad!”. Then Bush could shrug his

if you got flamed by the neolibs on splinter for saying that, then yeah, your opinion does suck. 

Literally, she’s suggesting that you can be just, or you can be kind, but you can’t be both, and when the two conflict, the righteous choose kindness. To paraphrase Hank Hill, that doesn’t make her look better. That just makes the virtue of “kindness” look worse.

Was the PATRIOT Act part of a mass hallucination?  Just because he didn't declare himself Emperor of North America doesn't mean excuse him from kick-starting the police state currently masquerading as a representative democracy.  

Because the only thing Trump does that Bush didn’t is say the quiet part loud and not know enough to get competent staff. After taking the presidency in a super non-democratic election, Bush staffed up with absolute war hawks and ghouls (who were into self enrichment as much as anyone in the Trump administration,

There’s plenty of kind people all over the world who end up in concentration camps or get bombs dropped on their heads or get shot to death in a Wal-Mart or get kidnapped and sexually trafficked or have their homes and livelihoods stolen through various circumstances or have any number of similarly awful fates befall


Yeah, there’s a difference between being kind (not kicking George Bush in the balls when you encounter him no matter how much he deserves it) and choosing to hang out with one of history’s greatest pre-2016 monsters in social situations.

I don’t expect Ellen to give a shit about war crimes because...Well, she’s Ellen. But the fact that the Bush campaign specifically pushed state votes on banning gay marriage in the 2004 election as a way to turn out the Republican vote, MAYBE? It’s good to see that being rich and successful is the greatest tie that

Yes we are. Because progressives actually believe in truth, intillectual honesty and fairness, not just winning at any cost.

yes. honestly incredible you dipshits think this is a good comeback. 

I believe that the Bush rehabilitation tour is only teaching the Republican party that all they have to do is install someone worse than the last guy. I’ve heard people who call themselves liberal who say with a straight face that they miss that chucklefuck, and when called out, say “well, he’s better than Trump!”