
THE FUCK is wrong with working at McDonald’s? Work is work, work is honorable. Sod off!

What’s wrong with cooking fries or working at McDonalds? I’ve never done either but I don’t look down on folks who do. That’s some classist bullshit.

Dude, writing an article about a racist woman and then responding to comments with classist insults is not a good look.

I get that Larry is a jerk but to insult tens of thousands of other people just to get back at him makes you look way worst. For a lot of people McDonald’s is a first job or sometimes the best the can get in a tough economy or even great for the people that make 6 and 7 figures as its executives and franchise owners.

So,’ve written up a whole post about racism and bullying...and then gone into your own comments and sassed at someone for daring to question/challenge your words...with what is essentially an elitist slur (that only bad/dumb/racist/poor people work at McDonalds)?

Wow, you are a hateful cunt aren’t ya? Is there something to be ashamed of by working at McDonalds? Is that something to someone should be shamed for? I want to know because the next time you people post some big piece about the poor exploited bottom rung minimum wage workers we can just skip all the bullshit and

Nope, he was walking off when someone threw something at him and that is when he deviated from leaving the field.

It’s not real to me at all. I just don’t understand the point of someone being an asshole about it like it’s somehow still a secret that wrestling is fake. I know that Robert Downey Jr. isn’t actually Iron Man, either, but I still enjoy watching those stories as well.

Ah, you folks are fun. I guess since we’re being technical, my suggestion is to “attempt procreation with yourself”.

I’d rather there be a Constitutional amendment limiting the size of any company to 5% of the market, or something akin to that.

Seriously. Videos get demonetized daily for just saying ‘fuck’. This stupidity just needs to be wiped out entirely.

I was a conservative for fifteen years, but I no longer recognize the philosophy I once believed in today’s politics. Age and communication and... living... have led me to now be very liberal, yet I cannot help but hope that, even if I still believed everything I once did, I would be horrified at what the conservative

The last election destroyed any faith I have in either party.

Can we stop pretending the Dems are any better? If you believe either party cares about you, your welfare, or the betterment of this country, you are a fool. They care about lining their own pockets. Not religious freedom. Not poor minorities. Not family values. Not justice and equality for all.

It’s tribalism, really. That and people are repulsed by any introspection. The NFL protests are the best example of this. It’s much easier to dismiss these protests as disrespect of tangible objects like the flag or the caskets of brave veterans rather than systemic, institutional rot that disenfranchises people of

Trump is the most unqualified person to ever hold that office. He’s a radical danger to our country and the world, yet the GOP is fine with it as long as he rubber stamps whatever they put in front of him. Whatever hatred deep conservatives think they feel towards liberals pales at the rage I feel towards the GOP

Maybe you should always be outraged.

A DFL governor means he’ll be replaced by another Dem, one who won’t have this scandal hanging over their head, meaning they won’t have to spend the rest of their term ducking questions about how many women they harassed.

What about Al Franken stepping down = “death” to you?