
It’s his method of action that I take exception to

So, with caveat that very few of the people in this whole mess deserve to be defended on their own personal merits...

Both major parties are two sides of the same white supremacist coin.

She was unique in taking an active role pushing her husband’s policies as Secretary of State and supported many of these policies as Senator.

He's making the point that while Hillary is allowed to make a stupid mistake and face no consequences, if black youth do something much more minor like smoke weed, they can face years in prison. And you know who supported those mandatory minimums? Hillary Clinton.

Considering Hillary has and continues to use her husband’s presidency as a positive for her “experience”she should take on the negative like the mass incarceration. You can’t pick and choose which parts you want to be a part of when you use that administration’s time in office as a foundation for your own political

Considering Hillary Clinton’s husband was the one who signed the legislation that led to a generation of mass-incarceration and proudly gutted social services in the name of ending “welfare as we know it,” there is every reason to be dubious of Clinton’s commitment to improving the lot of minority communities in this

“But this bullshit equivocation of Democrats as equally guilty for this ongoing police state is laughable to people who have been paying attention to the political landscape for the last forty years.”

Conservatives on big government: “I made this money with my own hard work, I didn’t need the government’s help.”

If you seriously have Beta and Antiquities cards, congratulations you are a Thousandair.

When it comes to collecting things that can’t really be bought in stores, some times the act of finding and buying things is quite fun. There’s a certain degree to which buying things online is kind of cheating. Personally I love going through boxes and boxes of crap at flea markets and happening upon something that

I own a comic book store. It’s bordering on tedious at this point to explain to people that their beaten-to-death ‘80s and ‘90s Marvel/DC/Image comics are worth somewhere between jack and shit. I know that hologram cover was special, man, so special that they made eight billion of them.

(Whereas those Magic Beta cards

I use a similar “come on, man...” and, you’re right, it let’s them know where I stand without me being aggressive towards them and allows them to engage in whatever way they see fit. It works pretty well, so far.

I make that teeth clenched sucking noise then follow it with a Larry David esque “eehhhh?”

I have found a “Dude, what the fuck?” to be a solid opening line right after the comment. Then it’s up to the other person to decide how confrontational they want to make it.

So... what’s the relevant difference here?

How is that any different than thinking less of gay people? How is thinking gays shouldn’t get married any different than thinking that interracial marriage should be illegal?

Huh? Drop your friend. They prioritize their own romantic wish fulfillment fantasies over the well-being of others. Homophobes gonna homophobe, but peer-pressure out to force them to homophobe alone.

Easy, just tell him he’s a fucking dipshit every time he says something homophobic. If enough people do that to him eventually he’ll stop, or stop being friends with you

Definitely call him out on it. Life's too short to hang out with asshole people.