
If I lived in a city big enough to have a sports team, I’d vote for letting them all leave over contributing a dime. What a waste. If no cities were willing to shell out hundreds of millions for new stadiums, we wouldn’t be in this arms race and teams wouldn’t have any impetus to leave.

Yet another in a long line of “small company with very specific vision that refuses to compromise” vs. “large fanbase with totally different vision.”

I disagree with every word in that post. I hope it’s sarcasm but I can’t tell.

WTF is wrong with you? Clearly wikileaks wasn’t the only party with the data. Wikileaks destroyed people who were profiting off of this information and you are criticizing them? Should I manipulate your argument into suggesting you somehow lost money due to this wikileaks post?

You know what I agree, Gawker’s case is different. In Gawker’s case, they were directly intending to harm someone. In wikileak’s case, they are indirectly harming people for the greater good.

No, at that point, your data has already been lost. The people who really want that data already have it and are willing to pay for it. The moment that the data is released to the public, anyone who paid money for that data gets fucked.

I think the moment that you adopt an editing policy on these sort of leaks, you enter into some very dangerous waters (not that releasing confidential information isn’t already dangerous...).

So, is your argument that the Left isn’t motivated by Hillary, or that Trump is better at motivating than Hillary? Because if you’re saying that Hillary can’t win without “Bernie Bros,” then maybe you should stop yelling at them and calling them “Bernie Bros.”

Welker appeared on Boston radio show Toucher and Rich

So are they walking out on the justice and accountability part? Or the fact that they dared to wear a shirt with names of two dead black men?

The cops that walked off can’t even say it was because “there was anti-police rhetoric being used” (some morons still think that saying Black Lives Matter means other lives don’t). They had the Dallas PD logo on the shirt as well. They took an anti-violence stand, and those punks walked out. Fuck them then. I’m sure

Feelings breakdown:

White privilege

Yes is it is called the rest of society, you know since we all live in socialist countries just with varying degrees of economics.

Sometimes the worst punishment is not prison. Don’t get me wrong, a six months sentence was far too kind, but I think it’s not the only punishment a person can endure, and right now his life is ruined. His family is ruined financially and they’re asking for money to cover their attorneys, he can’t do what he loves

I’m sure it can. But that relates to xenophobia and having an issue with said cultural nuances. Which I don’t. If I said something like ‘hey, these Asians are awful at museums and shouldn’t be allowed in’, I’d totally agree with you. But thats not what Im saying. Im simply wondering, to the hive collective, if these

We didn’t get out of the stone age, actually. When I talk with my wife about anti-vaccination people, climate change deniers, or Republicans, I remind her that the minds that found it reasonable to test a woman for witchcraft by dropping her into a river are the same minds that we use today.

He’s 21. His coach just got fired for actively covering up multiple rapes. Events he without question was aware of. He is having a public temper tantrum while threatening to quit if his coach doesn’t get his job back.

basic landscaping (Mowing, trimming) isn’t that expensive and should already be funded by taxes paid to the park board.