
Asshole comments are one thing, being opposed to who someone is is a completely different animal. Bigots are not just assholes, they intellectually stunt societal growth with their terrible opinions.

There are a handful of things that disqualify you from being a “great dude”. To me, bigotry is one of the big ones. I just can’t picture myself being able to respect someone one iota after hearing something as horrible as your friend said let alone still being friends with them.

I do what I can to help my fellow human beings. Hopefully you won all the money

Calling them “actual progressives” would probably work fine.

Jim has done this on a couple of occasions.

I would venture to guess that any money they have made on any of their games is because Jim reviewed them in the first place. Any relevance they have, whether negative or positive, is because of Jim Sterling. No one would have ever heard of The Slaughtering Grounds without Jim.

Let me get this straight. Since you do not like “Let’s Players” you are ok with companies getting away with dumping bullshit into the marketplace? First off...Jim Sterling is not just a Lets Player. Please do even a small amount of research before vomiting your uninformed opinion out into the world. Secondly, there is

Jim Sterling is not one of those Youtubers.

Exactly. Anyone who is not familiar with this case please look up “Temper Tantrum” on Youtube or Steam.

Purchased assets are literally all these jerkstores used.

Do you realize that he doesn’t just go after poor Digital Homicide? He has gone after Ubisoft (for consistently putting out AAA games that weren’t actually ready to be put out), EA (for the same reasons as Ubisoft), Konami (for being an overall shitty company with many awful business practices), Gearbox (for lying

Please do more research before giving an uninformed opinion.

I would suggest doing more research about this topic before giving an uninformed opinion. I really don’t mean that in a snide way, there is just a very obvious person that is in the right while there is a developer that is in the wrong in this case.

Absolutely beautifully said. I find anyone that doesn’t like Jim as someone who takes him at complete face value. That guy is doing what some big video game review sites only wish they had the guts to do, he takes any company of any size to task for their bullshit. Whether that is small developers like DH or large

DH admits in the conversation with Sterling that they did knowingly use other assets in the making of The Slaughtering Grounds that they had no right to.

You really seem to have a lot of opinions about a topic you don’t have much knowledge of. Please, I implore you, watch all of Jim’s videos that have anything to do with DH along with the conversation the two entities had with each other. After all that is done, I think you will have a much different feel about what is

So you’ve just admitted that we shouldn’t care about your opinion since you haven’t watched the subject you are opining about?

That isn’t completely true. He doesn’t monetize the Jimquisition. He does monetize his other shows.

Just a honest question...have you watched any of his videos when it pertains to Digital Homicide? There is one bully out of the two entities and its not Jim.

In the case of Zero Punctuation and AVGN you are correct about the roasting of a game. Both are playing fictional characters and are just trying to be humorous. I disagree that Jim Sterling is only roasting games. He has, on multiple occasions, offered constructive criticism in many of his “Squirty