
“Sex addiction.” So 2008. I think David Duchovney was the last guy to successfully pull that one off, and I don’t think there were any pending criminal charges if memory serves. Between this and the physical infirmities every old Mafioso brings to the courtroom, Weinstein is a defendant right out of central casting.  

he could have had a lucrative career in the highly male dominated field of undergraduate Lit Teacher before you emotionally aggressive feminazis destroyed this poor, young white (I don’t think his aryan brethren in the MRA community considers Turks as white what whatevs.) man’s brilliant and promising future with your

The only way she “wins” with her critics is if she actually has Native American DNA.

She was asking for it. If she just respected the correct “diversity of thought” celebrated by the right, she’d have been fine. If she didn’t want to be assaulted, she’d be married and home making dinner for her husband and kids.

It is surreal reading the backwards conversing, the double-talk, the leaps of logic that they are forced to take to describe themselves as true feminists, while pushing distinctly anti-feminist (and anti-female) talking points. It was like Cirque de Soleil, except they keep flinging the acrobats against the ground,

Thanks for the comment!

Andrew, clearly you’re still rather young (I say that principally because while you’re a fan of classic Hollywood film, you just came to Stage Door last month, and Stage Door is definitely chapter 1 in the syllabus of Classic Film Fandom). As someone who’s been a fan of this film for 40 years, I think I’m well

I first saw this as a Saturday afternoon movie on TV in the 70s. And do Katherine Hepburn’s line whenever I see calla lilies. Yes, people hate me...

Now playing

For those curious, here are the films in the clip in order:

I’m rooting for these crazy kids to work it out and find an amicable resolution - like him giving her all his money after a judge slaps him with a restraining order and sentences him to chemical castration.

Junior Ratfucker (second class) Jimmy O’Keefe must be a terrible disappointment to his mentor, Roger Stone. (Or not.) The really interesting question here is: Who is paying for this little gambit? The Moore campaign? Breitbart? The Mercers? Sinclair Media?

Martha is an absolute treasure and has the best life. I wish I was Martha, minus the awful jail stint.

Nice to see Chris Pratt getting gout and about.

“It’s only the beating of his hideous heart.”

“And how can you libtards claim Mister Bannon is a ‘white nationalist’ when he practically embodies diversity? On his very own face he has at least four distinct skin colours, ranging from pasty to a deep puce.”

I’m not the only one to have briefly pictured this, am I?!

The problem is that’s actually not how IUDs work. Copper IUDs prevent FERTILIZATION by fucking with the way sperm moves and not allowing it to reach an egg. Hormonal IUDs prevent FERTILIZATION by thickening cervical mucus, which acts as a barrier and also fucks with the way sperm moves so it can’t reach an egg. (ETA:

The actor is obviously Jeff Goldblum

Pig farms smell bad because of the crap that is fed to the pigs. When they eat what they’re supposed to eat (grains), they really don’t smell. In other words, factory farming sucks.

“This way the poor will be well motivated to be born rich.” Fixed it for ya!