
Every time someone on Twitter tries to score “points” by taking a shot at Patton via his wife I want to hunt them down and shake them to death like rag dolls.

Everybody needs to consider that this arrest is not a mistake: it is part of a deliberate policy. Going after the validated and innocent is part of the “shock and awe” doctrine that the Trumpkins tested out during the campaign, and are now experimenting with until they perfect it.

it’s just a placeholder anna, sources tell me they are gonna replace it with a live wasp’s nest

“... and when I hung up the phone it occurred to me, my boy was just like me yeah, my boy was just like me...

Does wishing painful death on every person involved with either’s Trump campaign or his transition make me a horrible person? Because that’s all I have at this point, a desire for all these fuckers to suffer.

“It should be no surprise to anyone that these ghosts, like all dead people, are Hillary voters.”

Jet fuel can’t melt airplane arm rests!

This logic I understand. I often ask myself, if Jeffrey Dahmer hated boys so much, why did he eat them?

Silicon Valley “big think” checklist:

It seems like Cosby is the real beneficiary of not having faced trial for 10 years.

As long as it explains about Victoria becoming a werewolf.

meth acting

He didn't realize the toilet paper was perforated into sheets, and was just going to cut off some.

Agreed and agreed. (That’s some Cartier-Bresson shit right there. Or it would be if it were a still photo.)

luxury real estate... Oklahoma

“During her testimony, she became very emotional and cried. You could just see something different in her when she started talking about the rape and when it happened,” said Speaks.

In Rep King’s case, I’d say “the fat fuck at the end of the bar”, not Mick.

Reading your piece reminds me of how uncomfortable I get with “inspiration” stories about people with disabilities. They follow a pattern of something bad happening to someone and they overcome it. It seems to flatten the person out making them feel less real and flawless. They don’t feel like people instead they