Virginia Dentata

Um...have you ever *been* to a yoga class or studio? If so, can you please let me know how many of the attendees/students are wearing bindis and/or henna? Because I seriously doubt your claims. Yoga is more than ‘eastern mysticism’ for most western folks. Yoga is also exercise, both physical and mental.

Or a strip club.

I remember reading a story about a woman who kept bees somewhere around NYC. One day, she got a shock when she checked the frames and found that the honey was bright red. She was very worried until she discovered that the bees had discovered a maraschino cherry factory. Red syrup was leaking out of some of their

Sir. SIR. It is an African-American mark. Sir.

Why are they neatly arranged on a plate, instead of strewn across a table?

For what it is worth, this guy is a lawyer.

Wham clam, thank you ma’am.

“Steakback Outhouse.”

A cunt punt, so to speak. Or a clam wham, if you will.

“Dip” to me implies cheese or sour cream (optionally + flavorings, in either).

Seriously. Aren’t there enough red flags here even if you’re asking about a normal person and not a celebrity? “Oh, so this woman is in 312? Can I stay next door please?” Fuck that.

It’s the packing peanuts of the food world.

Iceberg lettuce from anywhere doesn’t count as food.

Props to the bus driver!

He responded with a surprised, “you’re really nerdy...aren’t you”?

Do you mean to say, you didn’t want to babysit his two adorable moppets and maybe suggest going to his house to clean it for him, add a woman's touch and cook him a nice home cooked dinner before letting him jackhammer you for two minutes? What the fuck is wrong with you? Joan, you will never get a man. I'll bet

“Hey baby, what’s your book about?”
“How to dispose of the bodies of annoying people who interrupt your reading on the bus...” Look up, smile “For Dummies.”

Also, I would be willing to bet five Schrutebucks that the majority of dudes know exactly what these social cues mean. They are choosing to ignore them because they think that the social contract doesn’t apply to them in cases where the other signee of said contract is female.

I was really hoping someone would be so self-involved as to turn a larger issue into an anecdote about a unique personal experience that does nothing to change any of the points made in the post. Thanks!

I wasn’t HITTING on you, GEEZ. Ego much? I was just trying to be NICE and anyway you’re fat and ugly.