


A Ford Aerostar was-hands down-the worst vehicle I have every had the displeasure of riding in. They weren’t very good new. But used? Can you imagine? No, think about it. Can? You? Possibly? Imagine?

Too bad blue steel can’t turn left...

Wow. Megamullin is impressed.

Regardless of who are our elected officials, I believe many charities - large and small - can more effectively provide needed assistance in ways a government apparatus can not, or should not.

Please do not inform us how you three confirmed/tested that. No pics needed there, thank you.   

Genius. That’s a sleeper for sure, but it will fall apart before he gets down the mountain. Hopefully there’s enough money left to fix it.


Also, a partially clothed woman.

I was hoping for the visibly aroused T-Rex in Torch’s prior article...Still, I’m embarrassed to admit that I’m actually impressed by this. Also, I like to see car-makers have the chutzpah to try new things.

So many wins in this video. The long moment of what in the world just happened? The removal of the safety glasses to reveal they did almost nothing to protect his eyes....Classic.

I use the MX Master daily for 10+ hours at work, and I’ve had it for over one year now.

I use the MX Master daily for 10+ hours at work, and I’ve had it for over one year now.

I was big into that show. I remember something about the car being able change form into some kind of combat mode. Totally awesome.

Anybody have any idea what those circles are on the top of the side-view mirrors? If they were on the other side, I would say blind spot mirrors, but there...I don’t know. Lights? Sensors?

I’d keep him around for that GIF work alone, but Hoovie’s writing was great, too.

Hoovie I saw that a while ago, but I remain impressed. This was inspired.

Well played Honda. You finally took a risk and made something that both is and looks insane. It’s a good sign that the reactions are divided. That means you did your job correctly.

How long does the trunk feel when you’re backing up? It looks long, even for a Cadillac (please no “that’s what she said jokes”).

You will be missed. Thanks for all the great content. Good luck on your next adventure. Your latest Doug Car is likely to fail in getting you there.