

1.) Honda CR-Z


Its WAY too much money. But I've always go stupid when I see these things. Reason gets thrown out the window.

This is unfortunate. I get that Tesla is trying to put similar design language on its cars to create a brand, but it looks like a Prius and a CR-V had a baby that they didn't vaccinate and is now horribly scarred by disease. It's too bad.

Color me impressed. Until I realized he was in an open mine pit. Yeah...that water probably isn't anything approaching safe.

Amongst other incredulous things: That guy had a trailer attached.

Excellent video, and well though out. Thank you Omar for putting my finger on the issue I've had with so many action shows. You, sir, are a true hero.

Congrats, BMW! You just made it to the top of my list of cars that confused the brand.

I assume you know the difference between a 4X4 and a rental, right?

Congratulations! You are now using a jar that has come in direct contact with a condom. Mayonnaise, anyone?

Good eye, mate.

The awesome advice, silly!

So.. I'm not Hitler, right? Because good, inexpensive automobiles are still a good idea despite the fact that Hitler thought they might also be good, right?

Agree %100. But that's why I thought his ideas were good. Be good to your workers, they will buy your product and work harder for you and you will attract and retain the best talent. Good wages = good people; good people = good profits. That's why I thought his ideas were good, even if he had some major faulty other

Great news! We can all go to prison for a Camry. Just drive through Virginia.

Not that I want to defend anti-semites (please don't call me Hitler, internet) but despite his bad ideas about race, he did have some pretty good ideas regarding living/fair wages for his workers. Oh, and that Model T thing worked out pretty well. Let's just make sure to double-check those ideas for anti-semitism.

This guy was the mastermind!

I, for one, am really rooting for Caddy on this one. Something about 'Murica losing to 'Ze Germans just doesn't sit right with me. Especially after we 'Muricans put some effort into it.

Great article. I like that it points out my self-indulgent delusions. On the other hand, those delusions made me really comfortable...Is this how I got out of shape? Probably.