Gamestop Dorito

I am black but I am enjoying the game. I feel as if the developer went and kept things mostly historically intact. I mean where would you see a black persons in the woods town center where? I doubt there was any blacks in the time period and region. I am not angered and triggered like that thought to rant out a

I mean you can say fuck it to the reasoning, but it’s been pretty well established that there wouldn’t have been black people in this part of Bohemia at this time. I cannot comment on the make of the man behind this game, but his ‘excuse’ is rock solid.

I mean, Othello, the Moor of Venice was published in 1603, and assuming that Shakespeare was the first to acknowledge the presence of Black persons in Western European society is absolutely ludicrous on its face (given that Shakespeare was something of a plagiarist; we need look no further than Hamlet for that).

A few things.

MOORES WERE NOT BLACK PEOPLE! Shakespeare had no idea what a Moore actually looked like. He never met one! He guessed. He was wrong. Any game that features black people in a historically accurate medieval town is hilariously idiotic.

It’s set in a small 16km section of the Czech country side in 1403. I’m frankly more inclined to side with their dive into the population and census of the time and their highly qualified female historian than your assessment.

Are we sure that Moors were black? Wikipedia gives me this:

The game takes place 200 years before this. And do you know that Venice and Bohemia are pretty far apart in that day and age?

You can’t be a bigot for stating facts.

Also, it definitely seems like you’re angry. Saying you’re not doesn’t magically make it so.

Actually CRTs are still very coveted in the gaming community for their near-instant response times (and relative cheapness compared to 1ms gaming monitors). There are a lot of speedrunners and rhythm game players who still today exclusively use CRTs for that reason alone. I know that I personally would not want to

CRT TVs, to this day, have/had the best colors, the best contrast ratio, the deepest blacks ... Their only real problem, picture-wise was bad geometry. Plasmas came the closest to the CRT picture, but they’re gone as well. I’d take a CRT over an LCD any day of the week. OLED holds promise — I own one, but keep going

“Hey Chad’s and Becky’s! Let me talk down to you and make a bunch of dumb stereotypes about what idiot hick yokels you all are”

“If you understood that, then you wouldn’t be concern trolling about stereotyping. You don’t understand power dynamics. You don’t understand how white people stereotyping and black people stereotyping is not equal. If you can’t get that concept through your skull then it’s absolutely a waste of time to continue

Perhaps you could read one of the other answers for one of the 437942 people who also asked me this very original awkward attempt at a gotcha question?

It’s almost as though it was to make a point about all the stereotyping the original author is doing.

AH! So because a person who wasn’t me said a thing, I’m also responsible for it based on the color of my skin. Because of that, someone who is black will insult me based on the color of my skin to “even the score” and I’m an ignoramus for thinking this arrangement doesn’t seem rational. Got it.

“I wanna tell you that people aren’t ignoring you because your views are different, they’re ignoring you because you burst into a room and yelled NUH UH THIS ISN’T COOL GUYS THIS CONVERSATION THAT’S NOT ABOUT ME WHATSOEVER IS PERSONALLY OFFENSIVE TO ME

“You realize, that the thing you said about white people, you know the, “OH MY GOD, A WHITE PERSON ... SO FUCK ALL WHITE PEOPLE” thing?

I mean, if you want to frame this in the most disingenuous way possible? Mission accomplished.

What exactly are you trying to accomplish here? Seriously asking. Are you a Russian bot trying to polarize our electorate,