Gamestop Dorito

If you’ve ever tried to handle a weapon of any sort in a confined space, even an airsoft gun, you would realize how much you are talking out your ass right now with shotguns being “plenty”. Shotguns are touted as the “home defense weapon” because they’re loud and scary, but in reality if you ever had to use one inside

This is asenine. I’m a male finishing my last year of fellowship. My wife (who is not in medicine) and myself have made the difficult decision to wait until after I’m done do she’s not raising a kid without support. All of our friends are having kids and she would definitely have wanted a kid by now if things were

It is that back and white. 45% of the players you can’t control are on your team, 55% are on the other team. Leavers/throwers will lose you games but never keep you stuck at the same SR over the long term. If you’ve played hundreds of games and are still at the same tier, that’s the tier you belong at.

That’s exactly his point. If you’re a player capable of reaching the upper rankings, you will. If you’re not, you wont. There’s no such thing as ELO hell.

And why gamers hate it. They want to believe that they’d be [insert rank here] if it wasn’t for being stuck with garbage teammates, and people that prove indisputably that “no, you’re just not nearly as good as you think you are” make them angry.