eats books and leaves

Well, if they’d explained that that was the reason and told me ahead of time, I wouldn’t have been so upset. But they made me go twice, plus they never explained why I needed a waiver - they just said I wasn’t allowed to have anything done on my own say-so.

lose all agency once they get pregnant...

But this news item begs the question

As long as no one drops a flower pot on me.

Flake’s speech feels like Project Valkyrie to me. Like oh, nice idea, but we couldn’t have come up with this earlier?

“We used to respect women (no you didn’t) and now we don’t (true) and it’s ALL WOMEN’S FAULT (eh?)!”

I have a feeling it’s their equivalent of “thoughts and prayers.”

I’m for it. We already have lots of Puerto Ricans in my county and are prepared for more. The school system is making it easy for them to register their kids in English or Spanish and every day someone else posts on my neighborhood Facebook page that they’re taking in a family and has anyone got some shoes or

The most populous parts of the state are blue. It’s a swing state.

What’s up with the emoji list? Is that a black Santa? Is the Scaramucci Post coming out as anti-Megyn Kelly?


I especially liked how well-timed all the stuff was, like you’ve just gotten over the last thing that happened and hey look, something else happened!

They’re in a FOREST. She’s looking for TICKS. Jeez.

Hahaha, Harrison Ford telling someone to cheer up. Also, I want to party with this woman.

Oh I know, I know, but any port in a storm, right? :)

I was hoping it’d count as a legacy if I could prove one of my ancestors was one of the original five Fellows, but it didn’t. bwahaha.

I was just gonna say, class dojo is super not new.

Things like this remind me of News of the Weird, where every once in awhile they’d say “This kind of story happens so much that we’re not even going to report it anymore.”