I found out when my daughter was in high school color guard and I had to attend shows with other parents that the cliques certainly don’t end when people become adults.
I found out when my daughter was in high school color guard and I had to attend shows with other parents that the cliques certainly don’t end when people become adults.
She does voice acting for cartoons, which honestly seems like a cool gig and way more chill than making movies.
I thought the point of that movie was that EVERYONE in high school is kind of terrible?? I was definitely frenemies with a Janis Ian “outsider” type when I was a teenager, so her character was a little too real for me.
I commend the innovators and disruptors whose first instinct to dealing with social ills is to profit off of them.
Here’s my essay: I also was friends/roommates with a magnetic pathological liar for several years. It was bad and shitty. When I was 23 I told her I was moving out and that she should get therapy because no one could trust a damn thing she said. Last I heard she had a kid and I felt sorry for it. The end.
Call me a curmudgeon, but doesn't anyone at Jez proof read any of this shit? I see at least two punctuation errors, one grammatical error, and a spelling mistake. That's on top of the tortuous-to-the-point-of-tortious long sentences and First Degree abuse of the word "literally".
20% for Starbucks employees. Teachers get 12%....sounds right.
Well for me now it feels like everywhere. I went on vacation for two weeks and come home to have him send me a text Wednesday saying he was talking to someone else and had been agonizing telling me. You’re in agony?! He just moved here so I’m terrified of running into him because I lived here my whole life. Every…
I’d like to see if Bret Stephens expressed similar concerns about dehumanizing people by comparing them to insects when Trump was going on about infested cities recently. Because he is correct in that leaders/media figures denouncing groups of people as cockroaches and the like is a form of stochastic terrorism.. but…
I’d like to see Bret Stephens be a woman on Twitter for two hours.
Tim Ryan’s whole schtick is to appeal specifically to white people. He pretty much implied at the end of the first debate that black people don’t vote, so we should concentrate on the white vote (which, interestingly enough, proves that he only sees the working class as white).
I will take any and all snakes, reptiles, or literal nest of vipers in my bed any day over the cold-blooded species known as republicons.
I live alone and don’t have any kids and I want to do this.
I’m so stealing that for my office bathrooms. There are some messy pissers amongst my male cohorts. I don’t think they were even raised in a barn, the filthy bastards...
I once read that in the men’s bathroom at Chanel Paris, there is a sign that Karl Lagerfeld had put up that says: “Pissing everywhere is not very Chanel.” No.... it certainly is not!
Can I get one of those signs?
I’m in a nail polish group on facebook and there are so many moms who post their son’s manicures and it warms my heart everytime! i’ve also made it my personal mission to get as many of my guy friends to try nail polish as i can haha. ive gotten a few already, and they love it!
OMG we need this at my office!
I (a female POC) learned, through my last job in tech, to not trust HR with a complaint. My male boss made inappropriate comments to me during a one-on-one. I reported it to HR (a female POC). The next week MY performance was called into question as, in the interim, my boss had gone to 6 of my female (possibly 1 male) …