eats books and leaves

The trajectory of the codification of these spelling systems is a fascinating one and has more to do with preserving class structure than any sort of literary merit....

“You shot all of them, and then you shot yourself... and then... you set fire to this room!”

Inseminated BY or impregnated WITH? Because one’s weird and one’s weird AND grody.

Here’s the thing about monogamy, though: If you can’t do it, don’t fuckin’ sign up for it.

We had a family reunion there once, not because of the movie, but it was still fun to see everything.

Well, yes, but I meant was the $2.13 an hour or whatever it is raised. That part of it.

Did the minimum wage raise affect tipped positions? (Yes, I know not all positions in a restaurant may be tipped.)

I did not know my ex was Dylan Sprouse, but his blog posts had a very similar vibe. Basically “Yeah, I did it, but I’m the real victim because I’m soooo introspective.”


The main thing that bothers me about the film is there is far too little smoking going on. FAR too little.

Then whales are smarter than men!

*watches black and white clip* Hahahaha, Darcy totally says “I have a confession to make” and then CHECKS OUT HER CHEST. I’ll just bet you do, champ. Hahahaha. :)

For some reason I got the impression that Pfeiffer and JLaw were somehow the same person but at different times.

How To Train Your Dragon and The Martian are favorites around my house so that’s how we get our Wiig dose.

yowza autoplay video

Total side note I just had to say, that guy’s post bugged me a tiny bit. OK, I totally get that going out with women who are not suuuuper thin is actually in a lot of cases still not that accepted. But he also goes and says that going out with short women is not that accepted.

I love Pine, but you can have him if I can have Evans.

Oh, that’s so awful. It teaches a kid terrible things too. “We found this family member inconvenient so we got rid of him/her. You better not be inconvenient.”