eats books and leaves

Queue is better than que in this instance, but “cue it up” is best.

Yeah, the bald thing - like, all babies in my family are bald. And people thought I was a boy until I was like 12. Whaaatever.

Well, but in general I like this coworker.

Hmm, last time mine was tested it was about 1300 a day and this says it should be 1600. I KNEW IT! gosh darn it.

On the plus side, kids love refrigerator boxes.

Similar thing happened to me once, this guy and I worked the same job and he made tons more and had a company cell phone while I had to use my personal phone to stay in touch on the road (no reimbursement for it). Everyone is always “he must have had more experience” (no) or “he must have been a better negotiator”

I bought a set of onesies for my guy friend’s expected baby. The onesies are red and navy and have a fishing theme because my friend likes fishing. The expected baby is a girl. One of my coworkers saw the onesies and said BUT HOW WILL PEOPLE KNOW THE BABY IS A GIRL IF SHE WEARS THOSE?!

Same reason people lay on their car horns for minutes at a time to celebrate.

Or just figure out what you can do once you arrive early at your destination. Will it have wifi? Can you do your emails then? Depending on where I’m going and what time I might have there, sometimes I bring along family clothing and repair tears and sew on buttons while I’m waiting. Then I’m still getting things done

The New Mexico spaceport, before its construction was finished and before the road to it was paved or in any way distinguishable from the surrounding desert. I had no GPS and no water with me, and I realized once my cell signal dropped that I was going to find the spaceport or die trying. Fortunately for me it was the

Me too on both counts! And during that episode when they were all “1202 program alarm, what’s a 1202 program alarm?” I was all “OMG PICK ME, I KNOW WHAT THAT IS! PICK ME! PICK ME!”

I also just want to take this moment to point out that Johnson was also a character in NBC’s Timeless this season, so that was kind of a fun extended preview for the movie, for me anyway.

Thank you, this is what I’ve been trying to explain to people to illustrate

Google “clock spider.”

Hey, I have an ’03 Saturn and I’m the original owner. :D

HELL YES, I WAS ALL “QUARK!” and my kid was all “????” and I was all “OK, we’re watching DS9 once we finish Red Dwarf.”

Or the Mayor of Sunnydale

Someone told me that they found it really offensive, Merry Xmas, and I said I didn’t know why, because the X is a Chi, which is the first letter of Christ in Greek so not only is it a suuuuper old abbreviation, it’s not even irreligious. (Yes, I get that people use it now to somehow... use an old religious

1. You can’t ride that to Mars; it needs a runway and you can’t survive in it for long enough to get there.

I’m not seeing the circular reasoning in the sentence that would make this true.