eats books and leaves

Oh, well, what I heard was that yes, racism existed before Trump’s election, but that’s only because Obama caused all of the racism. There wasn’t any before Obama.

as an X-er who’s experienced everything that millennial listed for only millennials, seriously no.


Good luck with whatever you decide! Yeah, I have Mirena and I love it. I know several other people who have had great experiences with it as well.

I unabashedly love this thing. I have one on my keys. I have one on my kid’s keys. And I put one on my escape artist cat.

I unabashedly love this thing. I have one on my keys. I have one on my kid’s keys. And I put one on my escape artist

Wait, wait, wait. Now he lost the popular vote because of fraud? But I’m sure I saw not long ago that he tweeted that he only lost the popular vote because he didn’t care about the PV, and that if the Presidency were decided on PV instead of EV he would have campaigned differently and therefore won the PV. (The “sour

Anyone who thinks that pumping in a bathroom is a viable option clearly has never had a newborn infant.

So many many bathrooms I’ve pumped in, in airports...

My company finally built one after there wasn’t one and apparently everyone got tired of walking in on me using conference rooms.

No, “my kids and I” would not be correct, because if you use the easy shortcut and remove the kids from the sentence, she’d then be saying “thanks for allowing I to volunteer.”

oh damn I forgot about that!

Thanks! I double checked and there are none in my size though. :( *dejectedly walks back to the $100 rack*

Thanks! I double checked and there are none in my size though. :( *dejectedly walks back to the $100 rack*

He’s considering a guy named Ford for the Secretary of Transportation and a guy named Forrest for Secretary of the Interior (which manages the National Park Service).



ah so you’d be against the one I keep seeing driving around here (I guess the DMV can’t read backwards) that says EM WOLB

ugh, I’d be for raising the deduction amount but that’s just silly

Kind of like how it’s impossible for an absolute monarch to commit treason or do anything illegal, I guess?

I do want to congratulate her for at least not falling into the currently-chic Myself Trap. She thanked the organization for allowing “me and my kids” to volunteer. Most people these days would say “thanks for allowing myself and my kids.”

Allow Americans to deduct childcare... what? But you can already do that. (yes, arguments can be made that the deduction isn’t enough... but... it exists...)

“What am I supposed to do, shovel snow?”