eats books and leaves

Full confession. Suspension. Then, NHS induction.

Yes and not a woman, a girl.

I’d submit it to Sasse and tell him if he pays for it you promise to report back to him on all the astroturf and other floor coverings you encounter.

Semi-unrelated but I need to talk to some ladies about this: how is everyone’s libido, post-election?

I brought Two Hearted to a surprise engagement once. I thought it was a good symbol. Though properly shouldn’t it be Two Chambered Heart instead if it’s a fish?

Instead we got a guy who can’t find his asshole with two hands and a flashlight.

Have you SEEN sheep? Why would I eat those?

it is about “cajones.”

My general approach when hitting a sexist glass ceiling is to try to crash right through it with stellar work product.

I’ve watched The Prestige enough times to know what magic really is—a combination of illusion, salesmanship, mystery, spectacle and, in this modern era, expert video editing.

I am not good with pain, and the painful insertion process scares the shit out of me.

I am NOT suggesting anyone should do this drug and NOT suggesting that this is equivalent, but I trail off in midsentence a lot too... and I finally realized it’s because I’m so used to my kids interrupting absolutely everything I say that I no longer habitually think of an end to my sentences when I begin them.

Well, this morning, Joe Scarborough said that the left needs to move further right, because losing a presidential election but winning the popular vote clearly means to him that the Overton window needs to be moved toward the less-popular view.

Seconded, but that poster would probably just tell us to renounce our citizenship and become “illegals” and then we would get raises of 1000000% a year!

“Sure enough, he stopped,”

Every time I think about the EPA I get sad not only for it but because Nixon would never be allowed to be a Republican these days.

(hug) I’m so glad you gave it plenty of thought and came to the right decision for yourself. <3

Good for you! Make lists. Write down all this kind of thing. It can be helpful at the time and it can be helpful later if you ever find yourself wondering wait, was it really that bad? Four years on I read mine and think Wow, yeah, it was really that bad!

Oh these people, they just don’t want to be govered. They also don’t like old hands. What a turn-of.

“I don’t know anybody with high self-esteem that would just sit there and argue with the same person over and over again.”