eats books and leaves

The fact your company lets you fly business or first qualifies you as a magical space wizard in my book! :)

I wanted it to say Adam Levine’s Pokemans, let him show you them.

isn’t it the belief of people who are against the separation of church and state

Mind if I ask what industry? I’ve been going nowhere for years and I know I’m capable of more than this.

I think I might have been one of those but for the fact that I ended up being an example of the Pill not always being 100%. :) I like the idea of updating your grandma on your cat’s doings. Last thing my grandma asked about my cats was how many I had and when I told her three she said I was an idiot. I miss her; she

I think it’s a tossup for me. I do have life insurance through work. And no real career path. So...

Dear Alex Jones,

Once, a snake barfed on me.

I literally can’t even imagine. When my husband got a job, nine years after we first met, he saved up for three months and then left.

That sounds amazing. I’m not a gold-digger by any means but I’ve never dated anyone who uh... had a job. So that would be really new and different.

“What to wear in your parlour whilst your neighbours attempt to convince you that Fascism is really the way for Britain to go.”

“Unusual Ways of Mounting Furs” is either a pr0n or a band name.

They did that here in FL because one of the days the hurricane was here was also the day the Orlando Pride Parade was to happen.

It also depends on how long the light has been red. Like one night it was like 1 AM and I waited a good five minutes (I counted) and realized the damn thing was broken...

This is completely unsurprising. Especially after they keep harping on Hillary saying you have to say one thing to the public and another thing to donors. To them it’s much better to say two different things to the public and keep switching between them like a fucking electric dynamo.

Using the school as a place to pick up (technically of-age) prey sounds very Trumpy. I predict if Trump is elected, he will begin making high school visits and try to make as many “graduation speeches” as possible.

It’s OK because pets are way cool, right?! High five!

oh I agree but even my mother said, to reassure me after my (younger) husband took off for younger pastures, that I should not despair because plenty of people find their match in their sixties. So I only have like two decades to wait then.

I’m not legally allowed to move but do any of these single guys fancy moving to someplace with sunshine?

Yeah, no more Soup :( :( :(

And the main response I’m hearing to this kind of thing in Florida is that we should def not subsidize solar becuase subsidies for oil and gas are great but not solar because Reasons.