eats books and leaves

They’re good for her! On me I’d just look like I had a My Little Pony’s legs.

I only know who he is from watching Joel McHale make fun of him.

I’m worth more dead than alive!

I heard that too. Like the high level exec who makes 40x what I do? He obviously works 40x as hard. Because that’s a thing.

they neglect to consider that they’re not going to make their current salary forever.

I know this eldercare thing is gonna be my deal because neither sibling is childless, but I am single and my sibling isn’t.

This is my same fear, that I won’t get any hits because of those reasons. I’ve also been told (I’m about your age) that I should put the upper limit for age on mine at 65, because a 65-year-old might be willing to date me.

yeah I got a lot of crap for it too. One of my grad school classmates went so far as to tell me it was “absolutely disgusting.”

why do women not date and marry younger men

Eyebrows eventually often need to be mown as one ages (men and women), and for many people, so do the ears. Dudes without ear hair in their 20s always think they won’t have it in their 50s. Heh.

Aha, I am your mirror universe self. I binge watch and have cats.

are you me

Yeah, I agree. Only “darkly enjoyable” to watch, maybe. Kind of like a sitcom. if you were in a situation that’s funny in a sitcom, would you think it was funny? Probably not.

and no one cares about your Myers Briggs test results.

Reminds me of the talking head I saw yesterday talking about how Trump had “eluded to” a topic. She was very careful to pronounce the long E in “eluded.”

Oh God now you reminded me of Phil Hartman’s Bob Packwood impersonation.

Well, he never did it to me either, so obviously he never did it to anyone, the fact that he and I have never been in the same room together notwithstanding, Q.E.D., and such as.

Best Do It For The Vine of the weekend.


I used to work with an albino... I am more white than he was. yes, we checked.