eats books and leaves

I didn’t watch much coverage last night but I did see this live. This fucking guy.

No, it’s not just you.

Oh me too. My dudes were seriously pissed that Rey was not in their SW figurine set (there were like EIGHT of them, and no Rey?!). They also get mad if they can’t find Black Widow on their Avengers stuff.

Overall it was a pretty basic plot, yeah, but the characters were so great that made up for it, I agree.

Cool! Have fun!

They’re 11 and 6 - but it honestly depends so much on the kid’s individual personality. I probably would have been terrified by it at 9. My 6 year old was fine. My 11 year old was also fine but was DEFINITELY more scared than the 6 year old! So, I would say it’s about as scary as one of the Hobbit movies was, if


Keep an eye on the cat. She’s always sitting in too-tiny boxes and stuff. She’s so great.

Secret Life of Pets and Ghostbusters are why my boys and I were at the movie theater two nights in a row this weekend!

I loved it and so did my sons. My older son HAD TO HAVE the Patty Tolan action figure and he takes her everywhere now. He is a huge Leslie Jones fan.


Not that I’m eeeeever suggesting someone do that. Nope.

I know they’ll settle, but the very idea of finding water that is not able to be inhabited by alligators here is cracking me up.

River Country’s still there, SBNO. Someone could make a great horror film there about the Creatures of the Lagoon that are breeding there.

They do although I’m not sure what the difference is half the time... the church closest to my house is right next to the elementary school and they share parking. The church is a gym so the school might as well be. There’s also a Pokestop in the church’s yard.

Once again, I must point out that a giant douche has a use, if a limited one. So this is not the equivalent thing people always seem to think it is when they trot it out.

Now playing

Hee hee. It’s like Wild Kingdom out there.

No problem. All the hugs for you! I know exactly what you mean about past you being disappointed in present you, or present you hoping future you doesn’t mess things up. I totally get that. And I’m sorry.


Find the vid on youtube.