eats books and leaves

I used to run a cash register at WDW. People most definitely do think Disney controls the weather.

Only in animal parks and gator farms, never in the wild.

The people I usually see feeding the gators are Aussies and UK people, but yeah. The money thing is a throwback to pagan times.

Guests definitely do feed the gators.

YEAH! And I love dying fabrics! When they’re finally dead they’re no fun, but dying... so entertaining!

truth. and I’m so done with these people who think that by not talking about things and ignoring things that makes things better.

This is just terrible. Those poor people. Ugh. I live in Orlando and Dallas is one of my former hometowns. When does it get confirmed that we are in the darkest timeline?

I have a cat like that. A couple of them actually. What I found they can handle are other cats they have helped raise. Almost like they’re their babies. So they don’t get along with grownup cats, unless those cats joined the household as kittens themselves.

FH is white as fuck and one of the best educated cities in the country.

So that family income limit, does that include both parents even if they are divorced and one parent has no intention of contributing a dime to college costs? Just based on what I know about financial aid (which isn’t much) I’m guessing so?

I had a manager once in a call center who was a piece of work. I asked to shift my schedule earlier by fifteen minutes just one day a week - there was plenty of phone coverage and others did this - so I could take ice skating lessons. There was literally no reason to say no other than to be a dick, so he said no.

Just because you put in the work does not guarantee you will be rewarded.

I like to double-infiltrate my coffee.

If they went in dressed like that, it sounds like they were trying to draw the foul. That’s just the vibe I’m getting there...

I’m sending my son the link and I know what his response will be: “Who’s Jennifer Lopez?”


I had lesser borer beetles in my pantry once. However, I discovered that, unlike weevils and roaches and stuff, they don’t carry disease. Soooo I just sifted. :)

Tate Donovan was a WAY better Hercules.

Aww, thanks! :) Yeah, he took off, which is good.