
Exactly. She’s not claiming or expecting anything except to prove an asshole wrong. It’s really past time that Democrats/Progressives/Liberals stop being so nice and get our hands dirty and quit letting the lies and the craziness coming out of Republican mouths stand like it’s normal and we have to be “above the fray”

You have the correct take here and the commentariat at Splinter has lost their goddamn minds.

A little background:

I’m replying very very tepidly, because I am white with zero Native American ancestry (can I say that? I mean that respectfully). I am not going to presume to argue against anything that anyone of non-white heritage would say insults them, because I have never been subjected to any of the myriad injustices that they

You are wrong, for more reasons than we have time or space here to even outline. Please go educate yourself.

So, Americans who served in the military “own” the flag more than the rest of us. Got it.

You don’t speak for all veterans. Veterans do not get to decide what the flag/anthem mean to the citizens of this country.

You can repeat yourself as often as you like, and you’ll still be wrong.

So, let me get my lightskint thoughts in order here. Barack is half black, and half white, yet is considered the first black president—and not one eyelash was batted. He chose to round up, as it were. As is his prerogative.

I guess this means no more charmingly nerdy and super awkward Morhaime Blizzcon introductory speeches then. I’ll be disappointed. Those were always a highpoint of the year.

For some gamers it’s heartbreaking, a beacon of hope in a cynical and cold industry has fallen out of the sky; Blizzard Entertainment and all of gaming will never be the same again; Mike Morhaime was one of the most self-less and optimistic developers ever, always smiling and perfectly thrilled with everything he was

This is a terrific article, but this:

Found the moron. 

Please give more to the owners. They’re not rich enough yet

I think it’s pretty ignorant to begrudge any dollar NFL players can get from the shitbags who own these teams before they’re cast aside to live out their likely shortened lives with a laundry list of medical problems.

Sure. The money is definitely better going to Paul Allen. He needs it much more than the guy putting his health on the line on the field.

Oh, it is really useful, I use it for both online and my face-to-face group. I use my TV to display the player’s map, the fog of war really helps this way, also my players get to roll if they want with Fantasy Grounds’ dice, or sometimes I ask them to roll dice in the FG tower (this tower shows dice results only in

Whoa now... the navy’s army? 

The bloat of our defense department and the inability of any House member to do something about it is pretty depressing.

It’ll never be used against Russia or China directly, ever. If relations degrade to the point where aircraft shooting at each other is allowed, then the nukes are out anyway. It is dumb prestige piece, especially the pointless version for the egregiously pointless marine corps. The Navy’s Army does not need its own