
Should Bowie be cast out as a great artist and be seen has having no redeeming value to society worthy have posthumous accolades? I’m curious as to your answer

Nah, sorry. Learn to be an adult and party of society and understand that in fact your name will possibly not be pronounced correctly quite often. I feel like this is aggression towards Martin for being Martin rather than anything he did wrong.

Seems to me people are upset at Martin for being Martin rather than anything he did wrong or poorly.

Why be sympathetic to what appears to be mostly made up hostility at Martin for being Martin rather than someone else?

Preen in the mirror much? I feel like people who become upset when their name isn’t said correctly seem to be fairly egotistical and self centered.

I hope he tones down his humor a bit. I don’t mind some humor but for example his Thor movie while great on a first watch becomes hard to watch more than once due to realizing that 80% of the movie is just a big joke.

Ttrpg’s are not 3rd person by default, they are first person by default. Even if you don’t say “I or me” in game you’re still playing the character the same way you do in a first person computer game when using the character name or “they”.

Does the WIC program pay for frozen veggies?

Fury Road has a simple plot. This simple plot lets the story, the visuals and the actors take over and make for a fantastic movie that subverts expectations and gives us some new things to think about when it comes to Max himself and what he actually means to the world he lives in.

Hence why unrestrained, unregulated capitalism is bad for society.

Sports have been, are and will always be political, E or otherwise. 


Just doing business can and has lead to some awful things foisted upon society by capitalism.

No Herr Trump.

What makes you think they are gay? Why can't a pair of men truly love and care about each other in a non romantic way and have it depicted in screen without it being anything more or less?

The refs are judges and judges are supposed to judge the situation before applying a penalty. Your take is probably not a good one.

I’m no Harbaugh is a great coach/person bandwagoner, but I do also know he’s not Trump, not by a long shot nor any measure and in fact it’s rather insulting to lump him in with that person.