Ttrpg’s are not 3rd person by default, they are first person by default. Even if you don’t say “I or me” in game you’re still playing the character the same way you do in a first person computer game when using the character name or “they”.
Does the WIC program pay for frozen veggies?
Fury Road has a simple plot. This simple plot lets the story, the visuals and the actors take over and make for a fantastic movie that subverts expectations and gives us some new things to think about when it comes to Max himself and what he actually means to the world he lives in.
Just doing business can and has lead to some awful things foisted upon society by capitalism.
No Herr Trump.
The refs are judges and judges are supposed to judge the situation before applying a penalty. Your take is probably not a good one.
I’m no Harbaugh is a great coach/person bandwagoner, but I do also know he’s not Trump, not by a long shot nor any measure and in fact it’s rather insulting to lump him in with that person.
Hall, Stewart and McCaffrey have all been when healthy excellent running backs.
Ad’s are based upon your browsing history and what the company behind them thinks you might purchase or click through on. Blame yourself.
England has a tonne of professional teams though. The PL isn’t the only league that exists in England.
Cops in the U.S. seem to be the biggest cowards on earth. Why exactly do we employee these cowards who are afraid of anyone and anything that exists?
I feel like he was being pushed like a modern day Lex Luger.
Bbecause someone else sucks the USWNT shouldn't celebrate?
This is the best song to play at sporting events if we have to play songs at sporting events.
In our "justice" system people are found not guilty, which isn't proof of innocence. To be found innocent you must go through a whole another process where a judge will legally declare you innocent.
The Lakers have been dominate in the NBA with the exception of the last 10 years?
What about books, movies, TV shows, plays, sports, comedy, and all the other things people watch or read that they could instead being doing themselves?