
Yeah, I’m not sure that applies though. That was in the 70s, the 80s, and things have changed a lot since then, about what’s acceptable behaviour, and the rules of tennis.  Also, I saw John McEnroe once refuse to stop his harangue and accumulating penalties until he essentially forfeited a match.  So in the context of

Can we please stop with the Serena worship? She’s a titan of tennis, a superb athlete, but she’s not without flaws, without her faults. She’s petulant, and this isn’t the first or worst instance of abusing an official in her career.

The highlight reel should only show the cursing done after the player has been assessed one or two violations. What’s rare, even for emotional, aggressive, half-mental men and women in tennis is for those players to continue to push the umpire when they know they’re going to lose a point or game.

...I get the cynicism about EA, but they are exactly 0% at fault for what happened in Jacksonville. It wasn’t at an event they were running (just going “oh, yeah, sure, your event counts”), their game is a fucking football game and not a game that involves weapons of any kind.

This is a bad take.   

Must be fun for a company to have to try and balance rationality and emotion among the people for something they’re not at all legitimately responsible. Are we to have military checkpoints into every event that has more than 10 people? In this context, “more security” really isn’t feasible to prevent this.

I mean, medieval would just be historical fiction

Then only person who would qualify The Sixth Sense as goofy is someone who expects his movie characters to wear spandex and capes.

writer: *list of reasons why something is transphobic*

Imagine how dumb and entitled someone would have to be to believe a perennial all star is dragging down a team managed by a magic 8-ball that is missing most of its blue fluid.

This is further proof we need to re-evaluate our penal system completely. If recidivism rate is that high, we aren’t doing our job as a society to help people when they get out or during their incarceration period. 76.9 of drug offenders being arrested again should be a MASSIVE hint that we need to get our shit

 Did you ever think that a system which dehumanizes them and makes little attempt at rehabilitation is the reason why they end up back in prison? 

I’m sorry about your circumstances too, you didn’t HAVE to have 4 kids.  Back of the line.

What does that even mean? That your compassion only extends as far as your kids and their needs? This isn’t a Zero sum game. All government social projects need more funding. It’s like the people that say, well I’m not going to worry about welfare til vets are taken care of. No, we need to take care of both at the

Maybe I’m old school

Happened last year already, actually. It was a meaningless game, but still, let us have our things.

I eat lunch with my GAL (Guardian ad Litem) kiddo once a month when I check in with her teacher and her guidance counselor. I usually bring her a fast food lunch from Subway or Sonic or Wendy’s and also cookies for her class. She’s a foster kid and it makes her feel special, especially when she gets to be generous

I can’t imagine dragging a bag of soggy McNuggets into the school cafeteria. Gross.

San Antonio has perhaps the best reputation in American sports as far as organizations go. They have had multiple all-time greats stick with them and a universally renowned front office. I would never say a player should be loyal to a team before their own health (financially and otherwise), but being the first

He should never have been suspended in the first place, a suspension implies that he did something wrong and there was never any proof of that.