
For most LEO’s it’s all about them getting home safely. Everyone that needs to die for that to happen is just a statistic.

Nah, GOP senators will spend the whole day asking Comey about Clinton e-mails and Benghazi.

Her opinion is is just that. She’s also from a much older generation of Australians, that I as an American can’t suggest is abandoning what it once stood for like our baby boomers have done, who may not have ever been inclined to liberalism and changing their country to be more tolerant of other people.

Since when has a DUI only been about alcohol?

Jail is the punishment. You should not be hoping for anything to happen to them outside of dying of natural causes in jail.

Court costs and various other administrative costs push the costs of the death penalty to more than it costs to jail someone for life.

Jesus fucking christ, who the hell shoots a 6 year old boy multiple times?

I worked in central supply for a hospital; we used to “haze” the new person by pretending to be a doctor calling for a fallopian tube to be brought to a nursing station and then we would giggle when the new person would ask about said tube because he or she couldn’t find it.

Hasn’t Parsons signed a very large contract since then without really being worth the money involved?

Center fielder takes precedent.

And desert at some fancy restaurant won’t?

Denny’s are open 24 hours. All of them. Why would you need to call ahead?

Because poor people plead down all the time to avoid long jail sentences.

Fundies ruin everything.

Why even bring up the size of the media market?

The one where you first run into a tank and have to get past it.

I keep dying on the second mission in VC. I gave up after a few hours of trying.

I would play the shit out of a Overwatch game that was done like X-Com.

Two different statements, both could be correct for different people, and a combo of both could be correct for another set of people. Critical thinking isn’t hard you know. And in fact courts are not supposed to be jailing people for not paying fines they literally can’t afford.