
Go read up on how poverty causes people to get caught up in a cycle of fines and arrests that is literally impossible to extricate themselves from.

Not everyone can skip work to do community service. Not everyone can hand their kids off to a safe care taker to do community service.

Writing a check or having a credit card you can pay off fines shouldn’t be the distinction between good and bad drivers.

It’s horrible what happened to Taye, but this isn’t a race issue. This is a parental and school issue that transcends color. When you write a story trying to make it about just kids of color you then shut out a whole world of people who want to help and make a difference, including educators and school district

Remember when journalists in the United States was anyone who could and wanted to print a news paper? Our founding fathers, many of them self declared journalists would have loved blogging because it would be almost exactly like they were used to when it came to news and journalism.

Because you’re an edgelord right?

You can tweet, but you should apply some thought to it. Just like you should probably apply some thought to jumping off a 10 foot diving board into a pool; not never do it.

All I have to say to Leavitt is:

I will pull out the Mario/Tocchet/Francis/Trottier/Coffey card for why I’m going to root for the Pens over the Preds if those two teams meet. Still hoping the Sens can pull out the win and then win out over the Preds.

Standing behind your team for the 2 years they have played well doesn’t make you a hockey town.

Congrats to the Preds, but damn does that woman skating around with a dead fish sum up why no southern states should have hockey teams.

So explain why Wayne Bridge refused to play on the national team again if Terry was going to be included? There is only one answer and that’s because Terry fucked Bridges wife.

Sol Campbell and Cashley Cole call bullshit on Terry being the best English CB of this century.

Now playing

My goodness. It’s a good thing none of these Warriors had to play during the mid 80's into the mid 90's. Malone led with his elbows all the time, and hit plenty of people with hard fouls with those pointy elbows, and isn’t considered a dirty player by any means.

Somewhere in the early 90's Taco Bell changed their ground beef up to the mush it is now rather than actual crumbled ground beef.

Vanilla midwest town that prides itself on all things boring? I doubt that any place there has actual real taco’s let alone better than Taco Bell.

Cinnabons are fucking awesome.

Toxic Hell strikes in new and different ways.

Strong style has migrated from NJPW to America. Get used to seeing many of its influences.

Isn’t Roman on Smackdown?