
Ball is regularly slotted into a top 3 draft position by experts, some who are actually experts at talent evaluation. You know better than professionals?

There is some guy on the Pacers who fits that description who was complaining this year about he should be the one taking the last shot for his team in a game, despite having never made a game winning last shot when the chances have arose.

Did anyone believe it was going to be otherwise?

Right. Like drug dogs people who have magic powers are super reliable.

It does if you understand law enforcement officers are not supposed to know and understand all laws but the general public has to.

Why wasn’t Force India told before the race they were not in compliance?

I notice Liebermann is the one creating the device. I wonder how pure his motives actually are.

Really? So people driving the last 70 or so years have been doing it wrong by fiddling with their radio?

Sure, but none of those give cause for a LEO to pull you from your car and search you and your phone.

This law and device will give every LEO cause to pull every single person who owns a phone from their car and search their phone and the person since they will be in custody, even if it’s just pulling someone over for speeding.

Ever since NASCAR changed their rules to screw over Gordon I’ve given up on expecting anything but shit from the organization.

Of course not, but laws passed by both GOP and Dems in the wake of 9/11 have given flight crews complete control over who does and does not fly on their planes.

I assume ESPN are saddling her with Ryan so they can claim she was a part of a failed broadcasting crew and won’t have to entertain using a woman again in the NFL booth for 50 years?

Surviving cancer has nothing to do with being “hard” or “soft”, so fuck off with defending Lester with that line of reasoning.

I would have loved to see Albert Belle be able to keep his bat on the base paths.

I would love to see the NBA to have a rule that gives a suggested size for the court, the height of the basket and the distance of the 3pt and free throw lines. Set a minimum and maximum and let teams build true home court advantages.

I want to see the Dodgers install explosive mines that shower outfielders with whipped cream and chocolate chips if stepped upon.

Football pitches are not standardized, they must fall within certain range of length and width. Same with AFL and even Rugby laws say the size of the field must be near the standard size.

Heck, why don’t we get rid of batting helmets while we’re removing other rules concerning safety?

Meanwhile tonight after the race Orica-Scott team cyclist that are still in the race will be taking a cocktail of drugs that is currently tailored to be undetectable for the current testing regime.