
No. Leonard re-injured his ankle. The Warriors didn’t knock the Spurs down so much as injury did.

Pens goalie acts like every other goalie ever after giving up a goal? Someone call the news.

Sure, the Pens have more talent, but the 1-3-1 that the Sens play is built to frustrate and beat more talented opponents in 7 or 5 game series.

Joey’s first thought was about Danica during the wreck. Crash Patrick though was concerned only about herself of course.

No more than any other driver except maybe Gordon, Earnhardt and Johnson. That team of 3 plus “I hate breast feeding mothers Kahn” seem to be the only team in the last 10 or so years that didn’t have at least one goon on it.

When Patrick confronts another driver it’s a no win situation for them if she were to ever put her hands on that driver. She needs to woman up and accept she’s in NASCAR and if you’re a shitty driver, driving around other shitty drivers accidents happen.

Crash Patrick is a bad driver who’s been told over and over again she’s actually a good drive and nothing bad that happens to her is ever her fault.

It’s already a vestigial appendage of the NBA. The WNBA exists because the NBA pays for it to exist iirc.

Does the WNBA exist because it deserves to in the eyes of the NBA or does it exist because it’s a proven money maker and crowd pleaser?

True, but I believe almost every state has a law that if you rear end another care you are automatically at fault, since if you were following safe following distance laws the rear ending wouldn’t happen normally.

Have you read up on the LAPD and how black cops have often by considered worse by the community with how they treat the black and latino community in LA, than white cops?

No one can speak up on a plane though. We’ve seen this time and again when people try, no matter what they look like.

I guess most people see it the same way as when that GOP dude said that people don’t die from lack of health care. It’s a stupid statement, because we know hard walls cause concussions when you go head first in them, just as ice does.

How long before Cosby’s brain squeezes out his ear or nose and runs away in self preservation mode?

That’s fine for you, and would probably work for me; but we’re more the exception than the rule.

Yup, it’s awful how so many people in the U.S. don’t realize that days off are part of the benefits package and are factored in to pay rates, usually to keep them lower.

Seems so. After all, any boss can find ways to say any employee isn’t doing their job well enough; after all there is always room for improvement.

Dear Jazzypants,